The game follows the protagonist, Omori, a boy who navigates a dream-like world known as the “White Space.” Omori regularly ventures out into more vibrant and diverse areas of this dream world with his friends: Kel, Aubrey, Hero, and Basil. As the story unfolds, players switch between the dream world and the real world, gradually uncovering the deep-seated fears and repressed memories of the characters, particularly the protagonist.
The game follows the protagonist, Omori, a boy who navigates a dream-like world known as the “White Space.” Omori regularly ventures out into more vibrant and diverse areas of this dream world with his friends: Kel, Aubrey, Hero, and Basil. As the story unfolds, players switch between the dream world and the real world, gradually uncovering the deep-seated fears and repressed memories of the characters, particularly the protagonist.
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