What porn authors should do is tell you if the character is an adult or not in their porn comics more often so that we don’t get comments saying thing like this character is a child which gradually lowers their popularity
frisk? yeah. chara? ehhh debatable. they were a child when they died but they been dead for assumedly a while now so if we count ghost years then prob not + its just porn like fam i think the internet collectively agrees chara/frisk are very fuckable and since when has the internet ever cared about cannonical age?
They don’t even got genders, plus they are children..get better soon unc, fr.
That’s sex power for you, nothing can stop the sex, not even be a soul.
Yo this comic amazin- *scrolls down* WHAT THE-
I know, ads on this site are more perverted than the comics
And half are potentially viruses
Bro this art fire
i was like hhheeeh, dis god, then i realised this was the guy that made the muffet x monster kind comic
I love this style, it looks polished and nice
Nah, frisk is an machine, more than 2 hours without busting, dayum
pardner…there can be only one of us in this wild west
Why did you censor words like this is. Porn site why are you censoring things at all
What porn authors should do is tell you if the character is an adult or not in their porn comics more often so that we don’t get comments saying thing like this character is a child which gradually lowers their popularity
I agree on the first part but in the last one I don’t think that
I’m going to just say this but Chara is a child and the same for Frisk
It’s porn blud
I like tha-
No just porn dumbass
Pretty sure they’re aged up.
Frisk has no Canon age and chara is a dead ghost that has been dead for atleast 10 years
wait good point frisk dont got a cannon age tho i feel its implied they are a child, tho again who cares about cannonical age
if they were kids they wouldnt have that size of members :v
frisk? yeah. chara? ehhh debatable. they were a child when they died but they been dead for assumedly a while now so if we count ghost years then prob not + its just porn like fam i think the internet collectively agrees chara/frisk are very fuckable and since when has the internet ever cared about cannonical age?