Porn Gallery : A Different Kind of Help and Reversal of Fates
A Different Kind of Help and Reversal of Fates comic porn image 1A Different Kind of Help and Reversal of Fates comic porn image 2A Different Kind of Help and Reversal of Fates comic porn image 3A Different Kind of Help and Reversal of Fates comic porn image 4A Different Kind of Help and Reversal of Fates comic porn image 5A Different Kind of Help and Reversal of Fates comic porn image 6A Different Kind of Help and Reversal of Fates comic porn image 7
Containment procedures, the anomaly is to be contained in an set of isolated but monitored room with the ventilation system set to pour sedatives in at amoment’s notice should results go unpredictablly as the subjects have the ability to change the gender of those they engage in intercourse with most frequently prefering one another Inspite of family relations though testing with other D class subjects always has the same result their gender being regularly changed even if they’re the one in the top position or performing intercourse through non standard means including kinks.
Gonna need more gun for this.
Shoot yourself! 💗
The first 3 pages could’ve kept it good. Fucking hell ðŸ˜ðŸ˜ðŸ˜
I meant first 2
Containment procedures, the anomaly is to be contained in an set of isolated but monitored room with the ventilation system set to pour sedatives in at amoment’s notice should results go unpredictablly as the subjects have the ability to change the gender of those they engage in intercourse with most frequently prefering one another Inspite of family relations though testing with other D class subjects always has the same result their gender being regularly changed even if they’re the one in the top position or performing intercourse through non standard means including kinks.
So which organization is this from