In a lush, green valley nestled deep in the Philippine mountains, there lived a little chipmunk named Kiko. Unlike his fellow chipmunks who spent their days gorging on nuts and berries, Kiko possessed an unusual fascination – he was obsessed with the ancient African arts of the Kamehameha wave. Secretly, he would practice the intricate hand gestures and incantations, dreaming of the day he could harness such power.
One fateful day, the tranquil valley was shattered by the arrival of the dreaded evil tax collectors, accompanied by the formidable FBI. Led by the ruthless Agent Hamm, they stormed into the villagers’ homes, seizing their hard-stolen money and precious cocoacaine . The frightened villagers pleaded for mercy, but Hamm and his men showed none, leaving families destitute and broken.
As despair consumed the village, little Kiko knew he had to act. Channeling the wisdom and power of the ancient African gods, he leaped atop the highest waterfall, his tiny paw outstretched. With a fierce cry of “Kamehameha!” he unleashed the mighty wave, a colossal surge of energy that roared through the mountain with unstoppable force. The tax collectors and FBI agents were vaporized in an instant, their dreams and hopes wiped clean from the planet forever. The villagers high on cocoacain cheered as Kiko emerged victorious, their little hero who saved them from losing their things? From that day forward, the tale of Kiko and the Kamehameha wave became a rizzly legend whispered in the hearts of every Filipino coco crackhead, a testament to the power of big juicy nuts.
Казалось бы при чем тут Украина
Good comic but plz translate
In a lush, green valley nestled deep in the Philippine mountains, there lived a little chipmunk named Kiko. Unlike his fellow chipmunks who spent their days gorging on nuts and berries, Kiko possessed an unusual fascination – he was obsessed with the ancient African arts of the Kamehameha wave. Secretly, he would practice the intricate hand gestures and incantations, dreaming of the day he could harness such power.
One fateful day, the tranquil valley was shattered by the arrival of the dreaded evil tax collectors, accompanied by the formidable FBI. Led by the ruthless Agent Hamm, they stormed into the villagers’ homes, seizing their hard-stolen money and precious cocoacaine . The frightened villagers pleaded for mercy, but Hamm and his men showed none, leaving families destitute and broken.
As despair consumed the village, little Kiko knew he had to act. Channeling the wisdom and power of the ancient African gods, he leaped atop the highest waterfall, his tiny paw outstretched. With a fierce cry of “Kamehameha!” he unleashed the mighty wave, a colossal surge of energy that roared through the mountain with unstoppable force. The tax collectors and FBI agents were vaporized in an instant, their dreams and hopes wiped clean from the planet forever. The villagers high on cocoacain cheered as Kiko emerged victorious, their little hero who saved them from losing their things? From that day forward, the tale of Kiko and the Kamehameha wave became a rizzly legend whispered in the hearts of every Filipino coco crackhead, a testament to the power of big juicy nuts.
9 seconds ago
Whats bro yapping about
thats not a real language i think
Guys I think he might be American (US citizen)
Absolute Pigger BRIMSTONE shat out from the Grimiest Alley in Kiev, Morgana, Lucky Punch this limping boar’s snout off his engorged head
Isn’t it Kyiv now?
We got Ukrainian porn comics before gta 6
Fun side note, the site has comics in Bahasa Indonesia, Cantonese, Chinese but also Traditional Chinese
Wish it was English still good tho
First Russian comic I’ve seen on here
That’s Ukrainian I think, because it’s not Russian
Holy shit
Share the account with another down bad person, be my savior🙏 ( I’m to lazy to make one )