Writes down “humans like anthropomorphic beings from their own planet commonly known as “furrays” this “furray” is being changed by folklore slash common use for humans enjoyment fantasy, (fantasy is a genre where people say quotes like “YOU SHALL NOT PASS” and other uses of enjoyment “D&D” or known as “Dungeons and Dragons” we rarely see the dragons slash hear but we are told its a “ROLEPlAY” as we got I personally entered in one the other subject was keep saying the phrases “UWU” and “PISSES ON Cutely” (these are not “D&D”) you see they spelled cutely for no reason) you see this furray (the creature being an “bald eagle”) is having their breasts enlarged with one “wand” (“being an magical item humans use to cast magical spells” Henry Adams) then their genitals getting changed from an female organ to a male’s (at this current state it has to blood flowing to it) then at the there is an other “wand” (and we think it does nothing) then the genital has blood now flowing throughout it, the furray is now showing an “ahego” face (we only heard of these words an illustrated drawings of them sorry we would do more research on next report) usally symboled from pleasure from we are told.
Big Finish Porn Comic belongs to category Furry Comics and Parodies.
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Also see Porn Comics like Big Finish in tags Ahegao , Breast Expansion , Dick Growth , Furry Porn Comics and Furries Comics , Futanari & Shemale & Dickgirl , Parody: My Little Pony.
Writes down “humans like anthropomorphic beings from their own planet commonly known as “furrays” this “furray” is being changed by folklore slash common use for humans enjoyment fantasy, (fantasy is a genre where people say quotes like “YOU SHALL NOT PASS” and other uses of enjoyment “D&D” or known as “Dungeons and Dragons” we rarely see the dragons slash hear but we are told its a “ROLEPlAY” as we got I personally entered in one the other subject was keep saying the phrases “UWU” and “PISSES ON Cutely” (these are not “D&D”) you see they spelled cutely for no reason) you see this furray (the creature being an “bald eagle”) is having their breasts enlarged with one “wand” (“being an magical item humans use to cast magical spells” Henry Adams) then their genitals getting changed from an female organ to a male’s (at this current state it has to blood flowing to it) then at the there is an other “wand” (and we think it does nothing) then the genital has blood now flowing throughout it, the furray is now showing an “ahego” face (we only heard of these words an illustrated drawings of them sorry we would do more research on next report) usally symboled from pleasure from we are told.