I’m assuming it feeds of the humans and gets to extra nutrients from the pleasure chemicals like dopamine and seratonin, what a unique plant but I have to wonder it’s origins
I was about to say something similar to that comment, I checked out the artist’s other works and they’re pretty good quality of story and the art style is pleasing, even if they’re all bondage which isn’t my thing but I still read anyway
Interesting specimen
I’m assuming it feeds of the humans and gets to extra nutrients from the pleasure chemicals like dopamine and seratonin, what a unique plant but I have to wonder it’s origins
shut the fuck up
I was about to say something similar to that comment, I checked out the artist’s other works and they’re pretty good quality of story and the art style is pleasing, even if they’re all bondage which isn’t my thing but I still read anyway
Ooo, science, I like science.
Ok, sure