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One artist (I think fellatrix)did a couple futa nnns, and they were really good,and ppl have been trying to replicate it ever since, but no one wants to take the time to make something new.
to be fair haveing it mostly futa is tecnicly fair seeing as they have male and female parts… haveing it just male would make females seem less and just females make males seem less and what not… futas have itliterally right down the line…
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Never give up comrade. You still deserve some punches. Go do some hard shit now
Vocal percussion on a whole ‘nother- what in fucks name
Yo she’s 16, YO SHE’S 16
In the Philippines the age of consent is 12 apparently
Why is there so much futa nnn especially compared to men
There needs to be equality
One artist (I think fellatrix)did a couple futa nnns, and they were really good,and ppl have been trying to replicate it ever since, but no one wants to take the time to make something new.
to be fair haveing it mostly futa is tecnicly fair seeing as they have male and female parts… haveing it just male would make females seem less and just females make males seem less and what not… futas have itliterally right down the line…
Diavolo should have won
if diavolo got a requiem stand, he would of just left everyone alone. he would become fully anonymous and then just leave.
Artist is g3mma
Would have made more sense if it was long