8:59 PM – 104th Mechanized, 22nd ADAB are ordered to deploy to POI. CENTCOM delays decision on armor deployment.
9:07 PM – Regional FRTU and CRU depart regional headquarters to POI.
9:24 PM – FRTU and CRU land at POI local office, CRU assumes command of operations.
9:42 PM – 22nd ADAB fast response units arrive around POI. CRU demands AAVAD systems readiness. All local aerial and ground traffic is halted.
10:11 PM – UAP lands ~8KM outside of POI; landing site designated Site Alpha. RISC identifies humanoid X-RAY activity on ground. FRTU is ordered to intercept.
10:12 PM – RISC alerts CRU of an unknown number of civilian contacts at Site-A; observation continues.
10:13 PM – FRTU arrives at site; proceeds on-foot to avoid alerting X-RAYs. 104th Mechanized secure surrounding area.
10:14 PM – RISC observes potential transformative effects of X-RAYs; alerts CRU of potential bio-hazardous or anomalous behavior. FRTU readies PPE to PL6. Civilian re-designated as X-RAY hostile.
10:17 PM – FRTU makes contact with hostiles.
10:19 PM – FRTU reports two contacts neutralized (see attached XA-2301 for xenobiologist’s report). X-RAY UFO flees.
10:21 PM – 22nd ADAB command reports splashed UFO; AAVAD effectiveness against UFO type is noted. Recovery process begins, ECWU teams begin disinformation and amnestics campaign.
Call the terminator
after sending those private reports to the internet I guess he got fired
Form XCT-2701
Incident Report
8:40 PM – Local XT monitoring registers a UAP; the active garrison CO is informed of the situation.
8:42 PM – Garrison CO orders local forces to a level 2 alert, and scrambles stealth UAVs.
8:46 PM – CENTCOM is alerted to the incident, and RFTU is put on elevated readiness.
8:54 PM – RISC positively identifies unauthorized aerial X-RAY presence in the sector. CENTCOM sends alert message to all regional units.
8:57 PM – CENTCOM assumes control of garrison operations. Nearest city to anomalous activity designated as POI.
8:59 PM – 104th Mechanized, 22nd ADAB are ordered to deploy to POI. CENTCOM delays decision on armor deployment.
9:07 PM – Regional FRTU and CRU depart regional headquarters to POI.
9:24 PM – FRTU and CRU land at POI local office, CRU assumes command of operations.
9:42 PM – 22nd ADAB fast response units arrive around POI. CRU demands AAVAD systems readiness. All local aerial and ground traffic is halted.
10:11 PM – UAP lands ~8KM outside of POI; landing site designated Site Alpha. RISC identifies humanoid X-RAY activity on ground. FRTU is ordered to intercept.
10:12 PM – RISC alerts CRU of an unknown number of civilian contacts at Site-A; observation continues.
10:13 PM – FRTU arrives at site; proceeds on-foot to avoid alerting X-RAYs. 104th Mechanized secure surrounding area.
10:14 PM – RISC observes potential transformative effects of X-RAYs; alerts CRU of potential bio-hazardous or anomalous behavior. FRTU readies PPE to PL6. Civilian re-designated as X-RAY hostile.
10:17 PM – FRTU makes contact with hostiles.
10:19 PM – FRTU reports two contacts neutralized (see attached XA-2301 for xenobiologist’s report). X-RAY UFO flees.
10:21 PM – 22nd ADAB command reports splashed UFO; AAVAD effectiveness against UFO type is noted. Recovery process begins, ECWU teams begin disinformation and amnestics campaign.
Call the MIB, we’ve got something we that the MPA isn’t supposed to be dealing
part 2