PEOPLE. If you don’t like vore, DON’T READ VORE. It’s weird, and it might not be your thing. Everyone has a kink, and it’s your right to have it. You don’t need to be kinkshaming (unless kinkshaming is your kink) Just calm down, and suck it up. The art is good, James always has story to his work. This is a porn website for everyone, not so you can get pissy about “aaa kink me no likey”
If you don t like vore, DON T SEARCH IT. You are just puerin by doing so. Idk why there is so much hater this last time. Maybe some karen got therself to porn. But please, if you hate something, don t search for it and complain afterward
It isn’t that it’s entirely bad. What makes this terrible is the forced rape, the deliberate murder of the two, and his literal cries for help from the cruel fate. Shame on the maker for publicizing such a horrendous representation of the kink, and displaying publicly they enjoy murder if it can get them off.
I think the use of lines for motion is a wonderful bit of art including they way they had colored their scenes to pop from the background unlike new artist that seem to forget how to draw a foreground and background. All your heavy critique is that it is vore, so what, it’s a porn site that caters to all kinks yet you insist that it is the artist’s vision that is fault when it is actually your unappreciation towards dedicated artists in their craft, and also that it is vore…
Mason Judting K. Supremo
Died due to Futa Cock Vore
“To lose is a way for finding a possibility to win. Defeat only comes for those who give up.”
Eita porra
So like did the two furries in the balls drown and turn into cum?
Drown ? They got cum digested yeah.
Satan is too mercyful to let you in hell
What would be on their Tombstones? Legitimate question
here lies blank he died by the great suck and drown
Oi, m8. It’s a porn website, where everything is possible, if u don’t like it, continue browsing. We don’t need your insults, so piss off.
Fuck u
no Fuck u
No fuck you
how the hell did i get here. i just wanted some decent futanari porn
PEOPLE. If you don’t like vore, DON’T READ VORE. It’s weird, and it might not be your thing. Everyone has a kink, and it’s your right to have it. You don’t need to be kinkshaming (unless kinkshaming is your kink) Just calm down, and suck it up. The art is good, James always has story to his work. This is a porn website for everyone, not so you can get pissy about “aaa kink me no likey”
fuck u
What. The. Fuck.
If you don t like vore, DON T SEARCH IT. You are just puerin by doing so. Idk why there is so much hater this last time. Maybe some karen got therself to porn. But please, if you hate something, don t search for it and complain afterward
Shut up
It isn’t that it’s entirely bad. What makes this terrible is the forced rape, the deliberate murder of the two, and his literal cries for help from the cruel fate. Shame on the maker for publicizing such a horrendous representation of the kink, and displaying publicly they enjoy murder if it can get them off.
It is bad tho The only factor that makes this *barely* porn is that it contains a penis other then that its jist boring, bad and desgusting
The person wjo did this abomination MUST DIE!!!!!!
Noo why always somebody must die?
Bro who actually likes this kind of shit The art isnt good It isnt good porn in general, So why in gods name would somebody make this meaningles shit
I think the use of lines for motion is a wonderful bit of art including they way they had colored their scenes to pop from the background unlike new artist that seem to forget how to draw a foreground and background. All your heavy critique is that it is vore, so what, it’s a porn site that caters to all kinks yet you insist that it is the artist’s vision that is fault when it is actually your unappreciation towards dedicated artists in their craft, and also that it is vore…
Changed my mind about the bad art after ive seen more comics But its still bad porn
Shut, u don’t like? Not our problem but shut
Why does dying have to be apart of anything?
They respawn, it’s part of the porn lore
MF who thinks of shit like this