Hasta la visita de la madre de Albert, la historieta funciona. Está bien. La fantasía incestuosa que propone, es creíble. Pero en cuanto presentó a la madre de Albert tan caricaturizada, rompió toda la estética con la que venía desarrollando la historieta. Evelyn sí resulta linda y atractiva.
Until the visit of Albert’s mother, the cartoon works. Is alright. The incestuous fantasy he proposes, is credible. But as soon as he presented Albert’s mother so caricatured, she broke all the aesthetics with which he had been developing the cartoon. Evelyn is pretty and attractive.
I like Nem’s Art. He knows how to make good incest comics. In April Fools, the text took care of more than the drawing. The drawing is too rushed. They are almost just sketches. Unfinished drawings. But his Art is there. I like Nem’s roll. Although this is not your best cartoon, it has its grace… The incest, in the fantasy of pornographic comics, works. In reality, let’s say that it seems not as much as it may be… If it must be an option to take into account.
Me gusta el Arte de NEM. Sabe hacer buenas historietas de incesto. En April Fools cuidó más el texto que el dibujo. El dibujo se observa demasiado apresurado. Casi son sólo bocetos. Dibujos inacabados. Pero su Arte está ahí. Me gusta el rollo de NEM. Aunque ésta no sea su mejor historieta, tiene su gracia… El incesto, en la fantasía de los tebeos pornográficos, funciona. En la realidad, digamos que parece que no tanto como quizás debiera… Si es que ha de ser una opción a tener en cuenta.
That’s all of us the whole point is we like the naughty scenario not the real thing any incest fantasy doesn’t involve our real family it’s always what if Scarlett Johansson was my mom etc.
im aware of the appeal of incest, i was just clarifying that i might be a freak but im not that kind of freak. which in retrospect is kind of a pointless statement cuz id love to be shamed and called names.
Hasta la visita de la madre de Albert, la historieta funciona. Está bien. La fantasía incestuosa que propone, es creíble. Pero en cuanto presentó a la madre de Albert tan caricaturizada, rompió toda la estética con la que venía desarrollando la historieta. Evelyn sí resulta linda y atractiva.
Until the visit of Albert’s mother, the cartoon works. Is alright. The incestuous fantasy he proposes, is credible. But as soon as he presented Albert’s mother so caricatured, she broke all the aesthetics with which he had been developing the cartoon. Evelyn is pretty and attractive.
(Punto y Bizarro)
I like Nem’s Art. He knows how to make good incest comics. In April Fools, the text took care of more than the drawing. The drawing is too rushed. They are almost just sketches. Unfinished drawings. But his Art is there. I like Nem’s roll. Although this is not your best cartoon, it has its grace… The incest, in the fantasy of pornographic comics, works. In reality, let’s say that it seems not as much as it may be… If it must be an option to take into account.
(Punto y Bizarro)
Me gusta el Arte de NEM. Sabe hacer buenas historietas de incesto. En April Fools cuidó más el texto que el dibujo. El dibujo se observa demasiado apresurado. Casi son sólo bocetos. Dibujos inacabados. Pero su Arte está ahí. Me gusta el rollo de NEM. Aunque ésta no sea su mejor historieta, tiene su gracia… El incesto, en la fantasía de los tebeos pornográficos, funciona. En la realidad, digamos que parece que no tanto como quizás debiera… Si es que ha de ser una opción a tener en cuenta.
(Punto y Bizarro)
personally wouldn’t fuck my own mom. don’t see her that way. but watching other people do it is kinda hot. 8/10 very steamy, dad carried.
That’s all of us the whole point is we like the naughty scenario not the real thing any incest fantasy doesn’t involve our real family it’s always what if Scarlett Johansson was my mom etc.
im aware of the appeal of incest, i was just clarifying that i might be a freak but im not that kind of freak. which in retrospect is kind of a pointless statement cuz id love to be shamed and called names.
first mom is a MILF fr like damn i’d have an oedipus complex too if i came outta that hot piece of ass
Rs bro