I actually just hugged my mum about 4 hours ago, don’t go acting like everyone on this website it’s some horrible degenerate, I looked thing the comment and it IS weird as all hell but that doesn’t mean the people who are on here are terrible excuses for human beings, fuck off, man
I am the spy
Why do I look at the comics almost everyone is hating on this comic
The hunter is a piece of shit lunter <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
The Willow one is really funny.
I want you to get up, and go see your family, have a nice chat, and apologize to your mother for making her wait 9 months to create you of all people.
I actually just hugged my mum about 4 hours ago, don’t go acting like everyone on this website it’s some horrible degenerate, I looked thing the comment and it IS weird as all hell but that doesn’t mean the people who are on here are terrible excuses for human beings, fuck off, man
Looked in the comment WHY IS THIS WEBSITE FUCKED
You were searching porn like everyone here you elitist doucebag
Dude wtf stop making assumptions you clicked too.