That’s not how gay works, and the nails mean nothing, male goths and Emos can have black nails and not be gay, and the Digletts didn’t make him gay, if you see the “unlucky Andre” comic you can see he is bi sexual from having shrex with males and a female
This reminds me so much of silver souls, still sad they got sued
Tf is dat
They got sued? By who, and why?
I’m so confused bro. Is it gay? Is it not!? It has titties! But it’s a guy!? Is it a guy!?
The Diglets made him gay and He was Gay from the start since he had coloured nails
That’s not how gay works, and the nails mean nothing, male goths and Emos can have black nails and not be gay, and the Digletts didn’t make him gay, if you see the “unlucky Andre” comic you can see he is bi sexual from having shrex with males and a female
The Digletts made his chest bigger while breeding him in the last comic
No need to explain
I want more of this make this as a animation please 🥺 I love this please I want part 4
Pleeeeeeeeeases part 4 pretty Pleases
Bro looked absolutely FRIED on page 37 god DAMN!! W art skills
The face at 37 got my dying lmfao
Shit so wholesome, i want part-4
Dude I know right I was not expecting that much wholesomeness
Omg theirs lore
Pls part 4 where the woman fukcs andre
Andre finally gets bitches be like
there needs to be a fourth one I REQUIRE IT
Stfu me
This is good. More is welcome.