The Harbinger of Vap Emancipation Anonymous● 5 months ago
They so damn big why those mufuckin peepers gotta be gargantuan…
In all seriousness, it is important for individuals such as you and I to maintain our favored perceptions of the things in this world.
Within this sense of fondness, often time we find ourselves and subsequently, a part of what makes us unique. What makes us, Us. I don’t hold you in any negative regard, mein fruend. Infact, I’m proud of you for expressing your opinions and ideas in the face of adversity.
The Harbinger of Vap Emancipation The Harbinger of Vap Emancipation● 5 months ago
Within that you make a word for yourself. By defying those who may challenge that fondness, whether they right or wrong, we input a signifigant part of ourselves into this mean, old world.
And we change it.
I have no quarrel with you. Such a mindless, senseless, petty, obstinate disagreement would lead nowhere and benifit no one.
However, much the opposite, I would be honoured to call an individual like you my friend. I hope you do read this, and I only pray you have an amazing rest of your time period.
AnonymousThe Harbinger of Vap Emancipation● 2 months ago
Bro wrote a full essay twice.
draedon The Harbinger of Vap Emancipation● 1 month ago
btw if anyone sees this comment consider joining my discord bf2vqFTPP7, it’s all about Furries on one half and the second half is Anti-Furry, and in the middle is neutral, you’ll see
The Harbinger of Vap Emancipation Anonymous● 5 months ago
Meus frater en Dios, it is a colored picture upon your screen, comprised of a large portion of miniscule squares that when brought together to represent the contorted image of a womans body, activate pleasure glands in your cranium which in turn, release the chemical known as dopamine into what you perceive as your brain. Look inward frater, and asky yourself the big questions. Why are you here, doing this to yourself?
🎵 Memories broken, the truth goes unspoken, I’ve even forgotten my name!!! I don’t know the season or what is the reason I’m standing here holding my blade!!! A desolate place! (place!) Without any trace! (trace!) It’s only the cold wind I fee-e-e-l. It’s me that I spite as I stand up and fight. The only thing I know for real: THERE WILL BE BLOOD!! SHED!! THE MAN IN THE MIRROR NODS HIS HEAD. THE ONLY ONE!! LEFT!! WILL RIDE ALONG THE DRAGONS BACK!! because the mountains don’t give back what they take….OH NO THERE WILL BE BLOOD! (BLOOD!) SHED! (SHED!) IT’S THE ONLY THING I’VE EVER KNOOOOWWWNNN!!!
Losing my identity wondering “have I gone insane?” To find the truth inside of me I must climb this mountain range. Staring down from this deadly height, yet never realizing why I FIIGGGHHHTT!!!🎵 “Ok…. Let’s dance!!”
man glaceon is an ice type why is she in hell
this is why demons cannot be trusted
Big ass glasses lmfao
I really like her glasses
They so damn big why those mufuckin peepers gotta be gargantuan…
In all seriousness, it is important for individuals such as you and I to maintain our favored perceptions of the things in this world.
Within this sense of fondness, often time we find ourselves and subsequently, a part of what makes us unique.
What makes us, Us.
I don’t hold you in any negative regard, mein fruend.
Infact, I’m proud of you for expressing your opinions and ideas in the face of adversity.
Within that you make a word for yourself. By defying those who may challenge that fondness, whether they right or wrong, we input a signifigant part of ourselves into this mean, old world.
And we change it.
I have no quarrel with you. Such a mindless, senseless, petty, obstinate disagreement would lead nowhere and benifit no one.
However, much the opposite, I would be honoured to call an individual like you my friend.
I hope you do read this, and I only pray you have an amazing rest of your time period.
Bro wrote a full essay twice.
btw if anyone sees this comment consider joining my discord bf2vqFTPP7, it’s all about Furries on one half and the second half is Anti-Furry, and in the middle is neutral, you’ll see
Fuck off
Sylveon never had her nippers sucked…
They are inverted…
Can I say no to that idea and make then hard?~♡
Meus frater en Dios, it is a colored picture upon your screen, comprised of a large portion of miniscule squares that when brought together to represent the contorted image of a womans body, activate pleasure glands in your cranium which in turn, release the chemical known as dopamine into what you perceive as your brain.
Look inward frater, and asky yourself the big questions. Why are you here, doing this to yourself?
New game Idea cum master pro
Donald trump send this cracker to the penis explosion factory and have ding dong removed or blown off immediately
Fuck off
I don’t know about the cracker but his ear suffered a similar fate.
I’ll be for real, glasses make me go awooga
what the fuck. why awooga. (But in all fairness sameeeee)
Same man
Unfortunately jetstream sam couldnt make it on time
🎵 Memories broken, the truth goes unspoken, I’ve even forgotten my name!!! I don’t know the season or what is the reason I’m standing here holding my blade!!! A desolate place! (place!) Without any trace! (trace!) It’s only the cold wind I fee-e-e-l. It’s me that I spite as I stand up and fight. The only thing I know for real: THERE WILL BE BLOOD!! SHED!! THE MAN IN THE MIRROR NODS HIS HEAD. THE ONLY ONE!! LEFT!! WILL RIDE ALONG THE DRAGONS BACK!! because the mountains don’t give back what they take….OH NO THERE WILL BE BLOOD! (BLOOD!) SHED! (SHED!) IT’S THE ONLY THING I’VE EVER KNOOOOWWWNNN!!!
Losing my identity wondering “have I gone insane?” To find the truth inside of me I must climb this mountain range. Staring down from this deadly height, yet never realizing why I FIIGGGHHHTT!!!🎵 “Ok…. Let’s dance!!”
Im going to kill myself.
Record it.
Hey guys, did you know that in terms of male human and female Pokémon breeding, Vaporeon is the most compatible Pokémon for humans? Not only are they in the field egg group, which is mostly comprised of mammals, Vaporeon are an average of 3”03’ tall and 63.9 pounds. this means they’re large enough to be able to handle human dicks, and with their impressive Base Stats for HP and access to Acid Armor, you can be rough with one. Due to their mostly water based biology, there’s no doubt in my mind that an aroused Vaporeon would be incredibly wet, so wet that you could easily have sex with one for hours without getting sore. Their can also learn the moves Attract, Baby-Doll Eyes, Captivate, Charm, and Tail Whip, along with not having fur to hide nipples, so it’d be incredibly easy for one to get you in the mood. With their abilities Water Absorb and Hydration, they can easily recover from fatigue with enough water. No other Pokémon comes close to this level of compatibility. Also, fun fact, if you pull out enough, you can make your Vaporeon turn white. Vaporeon is literally built for human dick. Ungodly defense stat+high HP pool+Acid Armor means it can take cock all day, all shapes and sizes and still come back for more
Feel free to die on Feb 12 2032
Piss off big head
Im going to rip out your trachea and make you chew on it until you either bleed out or suffocate
Don’t know why I would need to know that but who knows when I’ll need to know that for something.
You’re on a list, pal.
Love the dude’s expressions lmao
I’m the Porn God, and i approve this comic
Im going to porn hell
We’re going to bless this porn king
Woah Burgurkiss… Ur on a roll today
You could say…. He’s on fire (ba-dum tsss) ok I shall make my leave
Oh *cum* on
Don’t be such a *pussy*
There’s a room for everyone
Come back, you aren’t nearly as bad as the first guy to comment under you is.