I mean if seen way worse shut honestly and Mavis is 114 and when you equate this basically in her early 20s. And bro who TF would merry a bum like Johnny as she only did it because he was her only out let to the outside world and has zero experience???
I fucking hate my life after seeing this shit
Who made this
hahahah jhonny you fucking my daughter
Gente Mavis venezolana 🙀
Mavis is 14 years old, you sick fuck.
I mean if seen way worse shut honestly and Mavis is 114 and when you equate this basically in her early 20s. And bro who TF would merry a bum like Johnny as she only did it because he was her only out let to the outside world and has zero experience???
And ohh yeah I’m the same dude who wrote this autocorrect ain’t treating me right today😑
No she isn’t? Canonically, Mavis is well over 118 in the first movie alone. Also the guy who said ‘and?’ should kill themselves for being a weirdo
Didn’t they say in the movie that she’s 118, and they said it like it was the vampire equivalent of 18 for humans. Do you even have google
Wouldn’t it make more sense for it to be 180 instead of 118? Cause you only added 100 years, vs having 10 human years is one vampire year
yeah but the directors dumb
Uncle fettish
She did the right thing
Not you GTF our
Burn in hell, fucking slut. I despise your kind.
Based Nick strikes again.
This is not the worse thing I’ve seen
I agree 100%