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Fun fact: Two different species cannot have children! Unless very and I mean VERY close in DNA like a tiger and a lion
Another fact: Lightfurys am Nightfurys are resistant to mind control and a creature this small? Lightfury and nightfury would just shrug it off and kill the dragon
But not much, the beeilderbeast is an ancient dragon and hence its size probably has a more powerful effect on dragons than some dragon the size of a horse you also forget the Bewilderbeast was controlling thousands of dragons at once so to compare this… ugly fucker to the bewilderbeast is downright ridiculous
Fun fact: Two different species cannot have children! Unless very and I mean VERY close in DNA like a tiger and a lion
Another fact: Lightfurys am Nightfurys are resistant to mind control and a creature this small? Lightfury and nightfury would just shrug it off and kill the dragon
Heil Hitler, der größte Führer, den wir je hatten, führte uns als Nazis, als Judenvernichter. Obwohl Sie Hitler gezwungen haben, sich umzubringen, haben Sie den Nazi-Geist nicht zerschlagen. Diese Juden sind eine Plage, die ausgerottet werden muss, und selbst wenn Sie anderer Meinung sind, werden wir unsere glorreiche Arbeit als Judenmörder Nummer eins auf dem Planeten fortsetzen. Wir werden niemals zulassen, dass sie uns Deutsche ausrotten. Wenn Sie denken, das sei nur Nazi-Propaganda, dann ist das nicht der Fall. Wir haben Pläne zur Ausrottung unserer glorreichen Nation gefunden, aber wir werden es nicht zulassen. Deshalb müssen wir zuerst zuschlagen, bevor die Juden es können, und diese Plakette von der Menschheit löschen. WIR WERDEN WIEDER AUFSTEHEN UND UNSERE NATION STOLZ MACHEN!
i find it funny as fuck that off the top of my head i managed to make this yet in ela i all i could ever do is 300-400
translated to Heil Hitler, the greatest leader we ever had, led us as Nazis, as exterminators of Jews. Although you forced Hitler to kill himself, you did not crush the Nazi spirit. These Jews are a plague that must be eradicated, and even if you disagree, we will continue our glorious work as the number one Jew killer on the planet. We will never allow them to exterminate us Germans. If you think this is just Nazi propaganda, it’s not. We have found plans to exterminate our glorious nation, but we will not allow it. That’s why we must strike first, before the Jews can, and erase this plaque from humanity. WE WILL RISE AGAIN AND MAKE OUR NATION PROUD!
this alone is 645 FUCKING character long (english vr) why am i so fucked in the head
For the crusade has yet to start. Prepare my brethen for your mind and body need to be ready. For neither the enemy nor the world will be merciful. This is not a philosophical war, this is the time when we shall burn corruption. If 20 years from now, corruption has yet to have vanished. We shall take power and dictate the new world. For if the corruption has spread upon our country we shall bring to the ground to raise another. For as long as any of us have the will to fight, more will join the crusade. Spread the word and prepare. -crusader684
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Read Corrupting The Pure Free Sex Comic
Corrupting The Pure is written by Artist : Fuf.
Corrupting The Pure Porn Comic belongs to category Furry Comics and Parodies.
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Also see Porn Comics like Corrupting The Pure in tags Forced , Furry Porn Comics and Furries Comics , Mind Control & Hypnosis , Parody: How To Train Your Dragon.
Wait till Toothless shows up
Bro really thinks he is actually sexy or hot bro is the most ugly dragon I’ve seen
Shits looks worse than tiamat
Fr tho that color scheme alone
Fun fact: Two different species cannot have children! Unless very and I mean VERY close in DNA like a tiger and a lion
Another fact: Lightfurys am Nightfurys are resistant to mind control and a creature this small? Lightfury and nightfury would just shrug it off and kill the dragon
Toothless needed coaxing before he was freed from the bewilderbeast. We don’t know exactly how strong this dragon is, let alone its genetic structure
But not much, the beeilderbeast is an ancient dragon and hence its size probably has a more powerful effect on dragons than some dragon the size of a horse you also forget the Bewilderbeast was controlling thousands of dragons at once so to compare this… ugly fucker to the bewilderbeast is downright ridiculous
Fun fact: Two different species cannot have children! Unless very and I mean VERY close in DNA like a tiger and a lion
Another fact: Lightfurys am Nightfurys are resistant to mind control and a creature this small? Lightfury and nightfury would just shrug it off and kill the dragon
Heil Hitler, der größte Führer, den wir je hatten, führte uns als Nazis, als Judenvernichter. Obwohl Sie Hitler gezwungen haben, sich umzubringen, haben Sie den Nazi-Geist nicht zerschlagen. Diese Juden sind eine Plage, die ausgerottet werden muss, und selbst wenn Sie anderer Meinung sind, werden wir unsere glorreiche Arbeit als Judenmörder Nummer eins auf dem Planeten fortsetzen. Wir werden niemals zulassen, dass sie uns Deutsche ausrotten. Wenn Sie denken, das sei nur Nazi-Propaganda, dann ist das nicht der Fall. Wir haben Pläne zur Ausrottung unserer glorreichen Nation gefunden, aber wir werden es nicht zulassen. Deshalb müssen wir zuerst zuschlagen, bevor die Juden es können, und diese Plakette von der Menschheit löschen. WIR WERDEN WIEDER AUFSTEHEN UND UNSERE NATION STOLZ MACHEN!
i find it funny as fuck that off the top of my head i managed to make this yet in ela i all i could ever do is 300-400
translated to Heil Hitler, the greatest leader we ever had, led us as Nazis, as exterminators of Jews. Although you forced Hitler to kill himself, you did not crush the Nazi spirit. These Jews are a plague that must be eradicated, and even if you disagree, we will continue our glorious work as the number one Jew killer on the planet. We will never allow them to exterminate us Germans. If you think this is just Nazi propaganda, it’s not. We have found plans to exterminate our glorious nation, but we will not allow it. That’s why we must strike first, before the Jews can, and erase this plaque from humanity. WE WILL RISE AGAIN AND MAKE OUR NATION PROUD!
this alone is 645 FUCKING character long (english vr) why am i so fucked in the head
Worst shit I’ve seen
If you don’t like it why read it?
Bro just looks happy with his eggs man look at his face!
Until the mind control wears off and she kills him and the children also until toothless arrives and slaughters him and his little disgusting children
This is the best comics try to tell me it’s not.
It’s not
For the crusade has yet to start. Prepare my brethen for your mind and body need to be ready. For neither the enemy nor the world will be merciful. This is not a philosophical war, this is the time when we shall burn corruption.
If 20 years from now, corruption has yet to have vanished. We shall take power and dictate the new world. For if the corruption has spread upon our country we shall bring to the ground to raise another. For as long as any of us have the will to fight, more will join the crusade.
Spread the word and prepare.
Bru dis is rape man hell na
And incest
The first word that came to mind when looking at this was “Wotaermolin” and I have no clue what the fuck that means but this comic sucks
I just want to point out that last page is both ageplay and incest… qwq