Truly a spell deserving of the rank of “third most useful spell” right after the various variations of “conjure/banish [insert object/thing/being/unknowable horror from beyond the wall of dead stars dreaming and the white gates of blood and vein that ever hold against the {Redacted}]” first place of course being the many multitude of minor differentiations of “fuck everything in that general direction I just woke up and I haven’t had my morning bean juice”
In a world where lizards break the laws of physics to fly, and where gods are proven to exist, how is a child having 2 biological fathers so hard to understand?
And that’s where tieflings come from.
All of u kill yourself
Foreshadowing much
And you said she wouldn’t help you 1 month later you and your best friend are now pregnant and graduating
Crazy plot twist 🤯
Hope the DM’s rules on prestigitation allows for fetus deletus
Truly a spell deserving of the rank of “third most useful spell” right after the various variations of “conjure/banish [insert object/thing/being/unknowable horror from beyond the wall of dead stars dreaming and the white gates of blood and vein that ever hold against the {Redacted}]” first place of course being the many multitude of minor differentiations of “fuck everything in that general direction I just woke up and I haven’t had my morning bean juice”
you can see the time it took to make this through the change in the coloring
Sequel please
zelda with glasses
Hot make more
Damn good deal
I’d make that deal
I don’t blame you
Neither do I!
Me neither
Nor do I
Well at least she graduated
Celebrating two years of good shit like this
Skull emoji
Is she pregnant from the succubus or the minotaurus? .-.
We will never know
Why not both?
cuz it’s not even possible
In a world where lizards break the laws of physics to fly, and where gods are proven to exist, how is a child having 2 biological fathers so hard to understand?