I must state. Judging by the art style. And actually… Dealing with a similar topic… I want this artist dead. And if he has any relation to, or is, the rapist I know… Let me know… So I can kill his ass.
I have terrible news this man has wrote/drawn inbreeding with other family members we must make sure this man rots in hell so much satan will take notice and kick him into the void being tormented by the things he drawn
Man I had the biggest boner I’ve had in a while like I mean I could break bricks with my dick,but when I saw this comic.. I was softer then a cloud,I went from harder than a rock to a fucking pillow
The Harbinger of Vap Emancipation Anonymous● 6 months ago
Boasting aside, the caliber in which this comic can morally sober you up is infinitely more than the caliber bullet I’m going to lodge in this artist’s fucking skull.
The Harbinger of Vap Emancipation Anonymous● 6 months ago
As such, I decree this scripture to be heresy before man, before nature, and before God Himself.
I forbid it’s support in any shape or form. And should you encounter rapists, or those among this comment section who favor the agony of the act, I cannot claim you have no right to life. To live it as you see fit. However one thing is for sure.
There. Will. Be. No. Mercy.
God gave us free will to do as we please. To live as we do today. He’ll decide your fate, but We, sure as hell and fuck, won’t pass up the opertunity to send you to His pedastal that much quicker.
Some of these “forced fanatics” may argue that there is no God. That they are above the word of the bible. You can believe that, I won’t stop you.
But you better believe that there is an us. And we’re coming for you. And when we find you, you’ll wish that God would swoop down and save you.
I have no words. Not even Satan would let you in hell. Just lost in an empty v oid dressing the sins you have created. I don’t wanna watch porn anymore, I just want this man to get shot in the balls, the n in the lung, but still alive, as he gets a piece of his body ripped apart every day, until he dies. And when his grave is dug, I will open it, make an outhouse on top of it, and salt the area in a mile radius. I can’t have happy emotions, and I hope you reading this will recover from this and report this, so this is off the planet forever.
The Harbinger of Vap Emancipation Anonymous● 7 months ago
Emo as hell. I would be overjoyed to ensure it happens.
The day that I find out who he is. The minute that I cross paths with this sneeviling, sinful, cocksucking illistrator writer scum of the planet cum guzzling sociopathic scitzoid dumbass mindfuck lonely miserable little shit.
That would be the minute I throw my life away. Mine would be worth taking his away.
God forbid that I find out he has loved ones first.
The Harbinger of Vap Emancipation Anonymous● 7 months ago
So to that I say hermano… Feel the feelings. Make good on the judgment we hold upon those such as this artist. For the ill should fear the strong and the guilty should hold shame over what they’ve produced into this world.
I agree but don’t kill him rip his nails off the grow every six months and break his bones and rearranged them to make devinchi look like a child and dip him in boiling water then put him in a cell with no food only feces and piss to eat and drink so he can live in shame and spread his wrong doing to the internet maybe even give him to the soviets they might have some expirements they would like to finish.
The Harbinger of Vap Emancipation Anonymous● 7 months ago
Redemption is far from impossible my friend.
As for the writer of this unGodly novella, he shall face the wrath of the Lord.
However, Not before he suffers the wrath of man. The consequences for lusting over such a cruel concept will not go unpunished. Much like the American GIs in occupied France, doing as they pleased to the war-burdened civilians. Or that of the IJN and A, Hirohito and his Comfort Women, and his Unit 731.
No act of tragety in the name of lust goes unpunished before God.
The Harbinger of Vap Emancipation Anonymous● 6 months ago
I support Women and their right, just as any human, to defend theirselves. The character and her personality however, may represent an answer to why she was frozen.
Traumatic experiences, especially when repressed, have a way of exploding when an unfortunate soul is faced with a similar senario.
I believe it would be classed as “Shell Shock” or “Thousand-Yard Stare” the latter of which familiarized by wartime artist Thomas Lea the 3rd.
Educate yourself and cease your blunt, petty behavior. This is why no one really like you all that much.
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I must state. Judging by the art style. And actually… Dealing with a similar topic… I want this artist dead. And if he has any relation to, or is, the rapist I know… Let me know… So I can kill his ass.
That’s some deep lore shit
I know who he’s talking about and I agree with him but I don’t know the artists name
Dato curioso también hai una historia parecida a esta pero con un Lucario, el final es good ending más o menos se quiso remediar el cabron
El artista es kesupo encontré su nombre en otra página porno
The harbinger of vap emancipation
I have terrible news this man has wrote/drawn inbreeding with other family members we must make sure this man rots in hell so much satan will take notice and kick him into the void being tormented by the things he drawn
Más como esto pefa
Man I had the biggest boner I’ve had in a while like I mean I could break bricks with my dick,but when I saw this comic.. I was softer then a cloud,I went from harder than a rock to a fucking pillow
Man what a dick am I right?!!!
Boasting aside, the caliber in which this comic can morally sober you up is infinitely more than the caliber bullet I’m going to lodge in this artist’s fucking skull.
Not here….Not…Not this one…
I’ve returned to observe a reply to a comment here. Because I do routinely check every so often.
But why. Why hath fate brought me back.
Fate hath brought you hear for judgement,for you are the decider
As such, I decree this scripture to be heresy before man, before nature, and before God Himself.
I forbid it’s support in any shape or form.
And should you encounter rapists, or those among this comment section who favor the agony of the act, I cannot claim you have no right to life. To live it as you see fit.
However one thing is for sure.
No. Mercy.
God gave us free will to do as we please. To live as we do today. He’ll decide your fate, but We, sure as hell and fuck, won’t pass up the opertunity to send you to His pedastal that much quicker.
Some of these “forced fanatics” may argue that there is no God. That they are above the word of the bible.
You can believe that, I won’t stop you.
But you better believe that there is an us. And we’re coming for you.
And when we find you, you’ll wish that God would swoop down and save you.
I have no words. Not even Satan would let you in hell. Just lost in an empty v oid dressing the sins you have created. I don’t wanna watch porn anymore, I just want this man to get shot in the balls, the n in the lung, but still alive, as he gets a piece of his body ripped apart every day, until he dies. And when his grave is dug, I will open it, make an outhouse on top of it, and salt the area in a mile radius. I can’t have happy emotions, and I hope you reading this will recover from this and report this, so this is off the planet forever.
Emo as hell.
I would be overjoyed to ensure it happens.
The day that I find out who he is.
The minute that I cross paths with this sneeviling, sinful, cocksucking illistrator writer scum of the planet cum guzzling sociopathic scitzoid dumbass mindfuck lonely miserable little shit.
That would be the minute I throw my life away. Mine would be worth taking his away.
God forbid that I find out he has loved ones first.
So to that I say hermano…
Feel the feelings.
Make good on the judgment we hold upon those such as this artist.
For the ill should fear the strong and the guilty should hold shame over what they’ve produced into this world.
I agree but don’t kill him rip his nails off the grow every six months and break his bones and rearranged them to make devinchi look like a child and dip him in boiling water then put him in a cell with no food only feces and piss to eat and drink so he can live in shame and spread his wrong doing to the internet maybe even give him to the soviets they might have some expirements they would like to finish.
I felt my soul die due to disappointment in humanity.
Why did I fap to this?
Redemption is far from impossible my friend.
As for the writer of this unGodly novella, he shall face the wrath of the Lord.
However, Not before he suffers the wrath of man. The consequences for lusting over such a cruel concept will not go unpunished.
Much like the American GIs in occupied France, doing as they pleased to the war-burdened civilians. Or that of the IJN and A, Hirohito and his Comfort Women, and his Unit 731.
No act of tragety in the name of lust goes unpunished before God.
solo comento para llegar a los 100 comentarios xd
Why did she watch her own child get raped and not do anything? Is she retarded?
Is he stupid?
I fuckin LOVE this! Great job!
This hitch crazy bet he’s from Alabama.
I have no words. Not even Satan would let you in hell.
I wouldn’t stoop to insult AL as much as to say this degenerate spawn hails from there.
Fairy is super effective against Dark, she could have done something instead of just standing there like a fucking bitch.
I support Women and their right, just as any human, to defend theirselves.
The character and her personality however, may represent an answer to why she was frozen.
Traumatic experiences, especially when repressed, have a way of exploding when an unfortunate soul is faced with a similar senario.
I believe it would be classed as “Shell Shock” or “Thousand-Yard Stare” the latter of which familiarized by wartime artist Thomas Lea the 3rd.
Educate yourself and cease your blunt, petty behavior. This is why no one really like you all that much.
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