I guess since COVID’s getting brought up again, I’ll just say. If you didn’t get a shot again in September or October, you’re not vaccinated, it wasn’t a booster. Any other shot you got before then is no longer effective. Also we’re in the middle of a surge, the variant is JN.1, it looks like it won’t come down to moderate levels until mid March. Don’t believe me check your local wastewater data. Deaths are down but Covid cases and long Covid cases are worse than ever. Wear a KN95-N95 whenever possible indoors unless you know yours and others exposure. Surgical and cloth masks are not effective especially in situations wear you’re the only one wearing a mask. There are also nasal sprays and certain mouthwashes you can use. If possible invest in molecular tests instead of rapid ones, they’re expensive but’ll save you a trip to the hospital
If you want a personal air filter, like water bottle size are sold and effective, Pure brand is what I use. Finally, you know how they said not to worry unless you’re high risk? Having had a Covid infection puts you in the high risk category. It’s not like other diseases, you’re more susceptible to damage and long Covid the more times you get it. Be safe porn-lovers!
I guess since COVID’s getting brought up again, I’ll just say. If you didn’t get a shot again in September or October, you’re not vaccinated, it wasn’t a booster. Any other shot you got before then is no longer effective. Also we’re in the middle of a surge, the variant is JN.1, it looks like it won’t come down to moderate levels until mid March. Don’t believe me check your local wastewater data. Deaths are down but Covid cases and long Covid cases are worse than ever. Wear a KN95-N95 whenever possible indoors unless you know yours and others exposure. Surgical and cloth masks are not effective especially in situations wear you’re the only one wearing a mask. There are also nasal sprays and certain mouthwashes you can use. If possible invest in molecular tests instead of rapid ones, they’re expensive but’ll save you a trip to the hospital
If you want a personal air filter, like water bottle size are sold and effective, Pure brand is what I use. Finally, you know how they said not to worry unless you’re high risk? Having had a Covid infection puts you in the high risk category. It’s not like other diseases, you’re more susceptible to damage and long Covid the more times you get it. Be safe porn-lovers!