Alternate communication methods? Proper consent and positiveness during sex? Why the actual fuck is this the most inclusive single piece of media I’ve seen?
Call me old fashioned but it’s good to see a man with an actually large penis get topped! Every other male/futa porn gives the guy a tallywhacker the size of a pencil topper, and frankly I’m getting sick of it. 10/10 godspeed, Cuch
People just have different tastes. I find it because I search for it. If you don’t wanna see it then just look at the tags, they’ll give you a heads up
Chadano godohito does not discriminate
Alternate communication methods? Proper consent and positiveness during sex?
Why the actual fuck is this the most inclusive single piece of media I’ve seen?
Call me old fashioned but it’s good to see a man with an actually large penis get topped! Every other male/futa porn gives the guy a tallywhacker the size of a pencil topper, and frankly I’m getting sick of it.
10/10 godspeed, Cuch
This is good shit fr
This is kinda weird but its good shit!
This shit hot
bruh this is weird
But you still nutted
bruh this is weird
Yo soy visexual pero me gusta mas morder la almuada
A mi me encanta el pene solo se eso
kinda hot
She got flat ass tities page 1 but every other page she got some big milkers
Scuse me what she got big tiddies
They aren’t even flat, they just tripled in size the moment the clothes came off.
Looks are decieving
How the fuck are they flat?
Nigalation 23:828
People just have different tastes. I find it because I search for it. If you don’t wanna see it then just look at the tags, they’ll give you a heads up
Would love to be in the guys place, also please make more comics
Bro wtf
Bitch it’s porn what did you expect
This guy might be insecure lmao.
“BrO wTf”
. . .why a lot of artist love to draw women with d*ck. . .
Because it’s hot and appeals to every sexuality
Maybe messed messed up guys or girls because even the gays hate this
Nah you too normal, this for the freaks, and kinkies not vanilla like you
Gays hate this? I love this, what you on about?
Because they smart enough to know she’s just a girl with both a pussy and balls and dick settle down.
Cause the shit is the new popular thing on porn now a days
The ancients greecs made statues of dick girls, so I don’t think it’s new.
No they didn’t
Bc it’s hot
Cuz they like girls and dick or they like trans
This was not what I was expecting
Yay your back!!!
Nooooo Not komi!!!
Would you rather see her being backed or a be a futa, because I think this is much more enjoyable than those degenerates.
Backed, this shit nasty
Its a anime character grow up
No just stop
Nahh I want more
I’ll stop When he tops
And you can also go to hell
You can go to hell
Hell is where cool people go, so sure.
No u
LOL , ok soy boys
Bro had to apologise💀
Bet says you get zero play
Fika gets not bitches
Ask your mom, she begs to differ
Bro learned a new word
Yea I have, its loser. And I think I found one
lol true
OK cuck
How the fuck are they a cuck? If anything it sounds like you’re self projecting.
Self projecting soy boy.
DAMM hes Is not cooking he Is roasting
Yuh, hoe ahh nigga