yes_im_horny_enough_to_make_a_account Anonymous● 1 day ago
Cuz we get a bad rep from pedo and Zoophiles so yk some of us are cringe asf, and what I mena bad rep from pedos and Zoophiles is that some have been in the Fandom which we do not support and has made us look bad, which I find stupid as one there has been multiple pedophiles and Zoophiles in other Randoms but from some reason we get the most hate out of it, so what I’m saying is a main problem we furries have is that the Fandom is to acceptive
Me please
yeah no
No “cheese”
❤️❤️Find me, young and eager! I use❤️❤️❤️
Go fucking hang yourself on a light pole for people to laugh and scoff at your useless dead body as you rot in hell
gabriel approved 👍
Wow a play of words on a horrible crime, so fucking funny.
Me to your mom:
(Insert invincible title card joke)
Furry still wondering why some peoples hate them…
Cuz we get a bad rep from pedo and Zoophiles so yk some of us are cringe asf, and what I mena bad rep from pedos and Zoophiles is that some have been in the Fandom which we do not support and has made us look bad, which I find stupid as one there has been multiple pedophiles and Zoophiles in other Randoms but from some reason we get the most hate out of it, so what I’m saying is a main problem we furries have is that the Fandom is to acceptive
holy yap 🥱🥱🥱🥱
Because you have the brain of a fucking rat what I’m saying is furries arnt bad your just a fucking dumbass
“Holy yap” is the “TL;DR” of gen alpha.
Doesn’t that mean they shouldn’t be watching?
Pegging? Fucking kys mf
Some ppl are just into it bro 😔
Blame God for putting the prostate into the guy’s ass. The first dude who discovered that must’ve had one hell of a shock when he fell on that stick
What’s this nigga talking about? The fucking prostate’s not on in the ass.
What? It literally is, little bro. At least, I think it is…
Your prostate is in your ass… or is it?
That was a great one
( >∇<)