Are you an idiot or do you pretend that you are? It’s a fictional comic. The two protagonists are obviously +18, even though they look of different ages. If you don’t like it, don’t look at it and don’t comment with stupid comments. Just don’t give your opinion about what you don’t like. Yes. Nobody asks your opinion.
This is child rape
The jab at ace is crazy
Are you an idiot or do you pretend that you are? It’s a fictional comic. The two protagonists are obviously +18, even though they look of different ages. If you don’t like it, don’t look at it and don’t comment with stupid comments. Just don’t give your opinion about what you don’t like. Yes. Nobody asks your opinion.
Shut the fuck up you pedophile.
He’s got his info wrong,all characters in the strawhats -brook are teens
Why is Luffy eating ace
Zoro what what are you doing dud 📸📸📸📸📸📸📸
What the fuck