Speaking off logic yes. But thats the joy of fiction, anything can happen 👍 because if were talking logic his stomach would burs open too. Humans cant expand like that (not that fast)
Most of these comments are giving hate, if you don’t like it, you have the right to just move along and ignore this content, no need to insult the creator, you guys seriously need help bruh this is stupid, it’s just a comic, don’t like it? Don’t read it
Wow. Oh my god. Dude, your right. But we didn’t do it. HE did! YOU SAN OF A BITCH! DIN TÆVE, JEG VIL RIVE DINE lemmer AF OG FODERE DEM TIL EN HAMLØS MAND END AT MATDE EN PEINGUIN DIT BEN!!!!!! FUCK DIG!!!!!!!
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Gravity Falls - Grunkle, I Shrunk The Slut! is written by Artist : BGredrum.
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Also see Porn Comics like Gravity Falls - Grunkle, I Shrunk The Slut! in tags Brother , Futanari X Male , Inflation | Stomach Bulge , Parody: Gravity Falls.
Wtf is this 💀 it shouldn’t even exist 💀
I like how he sets up for a sequel, knowing that people may dislike it
It’s got more likes than dislikes
Wouldn’t his arms rip off if she came in him with that much force
Speaking off logic yes. But thats the joy of fiction, anything can happen 👍 because if were talking logic his stomach would burs open too. Humans cant expand like that (not that fast)
There is no joy in this horrible realm
Different strokes for different folks i guess.. not the best but not the worst
I want more of this
Most of these comments are giving hate, if you don’t like it, you have the right to just move along and ignore this content, no need to insult the creator, you guys seriously need help bruh this is stupid, it’s just a comic, don’t like it? Don’t read it
Fuck you
Wow. Oh my god. Dude, your right. But we didn’t do it. HE did! YOU SAN OF A BITCH! DIN TÆVE, JEG VIL RIVE DINE lemmer AF OG FODERE DEM TIL EN HAMLØS MAND END AT MATDE EN PEINGUIN DIT BEN!!!!!! FUCK DIG!!!!!!!
God is dead and we have killed him.
Fuck you prick this sucks and you copied a title from a good movie go burnin hell you fucking cunt fuck you!
Calm down its not that serious
I would be happy if I hear that you died in misterious circumstances
Ewwwwww kys
When you make part 2?
Wtf no
That’s what I was wondering
Fuck you for making such title in reference of a great movie I hope you get hit by a truck
Surprised dipper isn’t dead
Oh hell nah, into weird shit but that’s too much