This is technically cp I hope you die,burn,suffer,I hope you outlive every. Single. Person that you ever loved in your love you pathetic pedophile, go hang yourself you useless piece of shit, if you killed yourself I doubt that there will be a single person whose sad you worthless scum
This is technically cp
I hope you die,burn,suffer,I hope you outlive every. Single. Person that you ever loved in your love you pathetic pedophile, go hang yourself you useless piece of shit, if you killed yourself I doubt that there will be a single person whose sad you worthless scum
Go commit jump in woodchipper
That’s a child
The older one yeah but no the young one
The only one yeah but no the young one
The, the girl’s a minor
The girl’s a minor
She doesn’t see ya
She is fucking underage
Finally someone fucking notice
Is she a kid or…..
Makes it better
I see lots of jail time in your future
Are the images in the wrong order?
Is anyone else wondering why Skyward Sword Link is with Cremia and Romani from Majorca’s Mask?
Not my proudest noot noot
She is just small she is just small she is just small she is just small she is just small she is just small
Keep telling yourself that bub.
Don’t wory. All charicters depicted in these comics are of age. But for real one Of my top 10 comics.
If they weren’t, I’d be in some chinese max security prison for incomprehensible war crimes
If they weren’t, I’d be in some chinese max security prison for incomprehensible war crimes
I enjoyed this and I want a sequel where they are pregnant
This is some HOT SHIT!! You should do a sequel or something great like that!
roses are dead zilad isn’t an elf this shit fills me with dread so im gonna kill myself
Roses are red Zilad ain’t elf Im filled with dread And im better of dead
Roses are red this was surpizingly nild but god damn SHE LOOKS LIKE A CHILD , not good
Roses are fine, thick cocks are finer, this comic was mid, and she’s a fuCKING MINOR!
at least its not a feet fetish comic
I agree with you
I’m going to hell
What are you talking about, we are already in hell
Very very very true
Hell is empty, and all the devils are here