can someone please tag this shit properly I didnt think there’d be piss play in it and I feel like I should be allowed to know that before I open the fucking thing
Who fucking fucked isabell *Grabs Glock 16* I know she might be a slut On her high school but that’s still sexual Assault, Getting fucked Without there constent
A paged format where each image is a bit bigger would be nice, its a bit small for mobile, other than that great work.
can someone please tag this shit properly I didnt think there’d be piss play in it and I feel like I should be allowed to know that before I open the fucking thing
“did someone fucked you *again*”
This comic is too good.
So much crossovers there are aggresuko, Zootopia and animal crossing wadahell
Who fucking fucked isabell *Grabs Glock 16* I know she might be a slut On her high school but that’s still sexual Assault, Getting fucked Without there constent
Hunting rifle is better because they are animals
it has that +100% dmg multiplier for animals
I can confirm, it hurts two times more
This is the second time this comic has been reposted
Hey some it’s good so I’m not complaining. But the stuff she did when she was sleeping kind of put me off
Tastiest what
Don’t worry about that