DIE! Thy end is now! CRUSH! Prepare thyself! WEAK! Creature of steel… and thy punishment is DEATH! Thy end is now! CRUSH! Prepare thyself! WEAK! Creature of steel… and thy punishment is- DESTROY! You can’t escape! BE GONE! Yes, that’s it! NICE TRY! Keep ’em coming! Come forth child of man, and die! DESTROY! You can’t escape! BE GONE! Yes, that’s it! NICE TRY! Keep ’em coming! Come forth child of man, and die! SHUT UP! YOUR BARS ARE WEAK! SIT BACK, HEAR MY TECHNIQUE! GO HOME! YOU HAVE NO SKILL! NOW WATCH, AS I ULTRAKILL! YOU SUCK! YOU THINK YOU’RE PRIME? WRONG! YOU’RE ON MY TIME! FUCK YOU!- ENOUGH! OH SHIT-
Michael pranked you
Just kidding it was a michael prank
Does anyone have tips on how to make my Xbox run smoother on games
Buy a playstation
Get a better Xbox, planned obsolescence and all
I love free use
The fact that Susie plays the straight man in this is astounding, and not just because she’s a lesbian
Susie face
Blud just wants to do the wrok ðŸ˜
DIE! Thy end is now! CRUSH! Prepare thyself! WEAK! Creature of steel… and thy punishment is DEATH! Thy end is now! CRUSH! Prepare thyself! WEAK! Creature of steel… and thy punishment is- DESTROY! You can’t escape! BE GONE! Yes, that’s it! NICE TRY! Keep ’em coming! Come forth child of man, and die! DESTROY! You can’t escape! BE GONE! Yes, that’s it! NICE TRY! Keep ’em coming! Come forth child of man, and die! SHUT UP! YOUR BARS ARE WEAK! SIT BACK, HEAR MY TECHNIQUE! GO HOME! YOU HAVE NO SKILL! NOW WATCH, AS I ULTRAKILL! YOU SUCK! YOU THINK YOU’RE PRIME? WRONG! YOU’RE ON MY TIME! FUCK YOU!- ENOUGH! OH SHIT-
ultrakill mid game pizza tower better (irony)
peppino vs P-3 /// WAIT OF THE WORLD
im more interested that susie is doing work then the comic fr
lmao i just finished dipping my third victim in a vat of acid
Did he make a joke about you being called foap 😂😂
found the next one
Would’ve been better if Susie was being sexual with Tori too
Ooh that’d be good