I know English isn’t most people’s language, so they might not be able to type good but you sir funny turtle, I think I can speak for ever English major ever when i say your grammar fucking sucks ass, if you are gonna say my opinion sucks atleast use the proper English to do it
(1/2) Dear Mr. Anonymous I am aware that my English is definitely not of the best quality and I would like to apologize for it, I was not born on a English speaking country, and did not have the best education when it comes to speaking other languages or any subject really. I would like to address something that bothers me quite a bit, one of statement you made, “we all buff women are men” now I struggle at understanding what you meant, I’m definitely not the one to criticize the grammar of anyone but I’m sure it’s probably right grammatically since you imply your English is superior to mine when you said “I think I can speak for ever English major ever”
(2/2) I’m sure people will agree with me that this cuote sound nonetheless quite odd for someone who claims to have a ‘superior grammar’ don’t you think? In any way my point is to try one’s best to not be a hypocrite and try to help each other get better, my English isn’t the best so I’ll give that task to someone more adequate to do the job perhaps your mother will be able to do so. -Mr. The Funny Turtle P.s. If you find anything wrong with my comments grammar please let me know, my English needs to get better 🐢 To the artist: don’t let comments like this affect you, not that it help to ease the pain but It sadly comes with posting anything in the internet, shit posting is part of internet culture, I would love to see more of your art in the future.
Dear Mr funny turtle, fix your dog shit grammar. And my grammar is superior to yours that’s just a fact my guy and yes buff women are men have you seen them? They’re obviously trannys (: and also also the author/artist is not going to see your comment
To: Mr. Anonymous (1/2) The letter you send me I found quite homophobic from my perspective, and that women with buff trades dose not mean that there man nor trans, that can really be offensive, especially for those woman that go exercise for there health and having guys like yourself, judging women for how they look doesn’t help, now dose it? Besides if in the case of you going to a woman who looks like this and tell them that there a guy or if they did the operation, they’ll probably beat you up real bad, since you, just like me, are in this website are probably not in the best physical condition and a key difference is that you are being a Piece of shit person who Criticizes people in places like this because your an addict,
you have so much Anger you can’t do something creative with it, instead you bully and really just shit posting to other people it’s telly just better if you just keep those duty hand’s of you insade your pants. And You keep claiming that you English grammar is “better” but I think having superior language skills is not that great if you are a GIANT pice of shit, like you 🙂 I sincerely pity every partner you’ll ever have. I hope you seek therapy, I will probably not answer any more to your letters unless they surprise in any way,i have better things to do that to answer people like you. And yes, I will never know if the artist reed’s my letter’s but my point was made. Sincerely: Mr. The Funny Turtle🐢
I really like the paper drawn artwork and i also like how unlike most people i can actually see what’s happening instead of seeing just a bunch of eraser smudge
I dont like when hollow knight is sexulized
You can see his finger in page 2
Fuck off
Stfu kid
OK boomer
Im the original guy who said you can see his fingers, I just mentioned it since I thought it was funny, meant no disrespect
Oh I see, I’m sorry I genuinely thought you just said it for hate I apologize for my dick move
Guy just needs a digital art set up
0/10 has a muscular woman in it and we all buff women are men
I have no idea what you are saying
I know all people can have an opinion, but also can I and in my opinion, yours is fucking wrong
I know English isn’t most people’s language, so they might not be able to type good but you sir funny turtle, I think I can speak for ever English major ever when i say your grammar fucking sucks ass, if you are gonna say my opinion sucks atleast use the proper English to do it
(1/2) Dear Mr. Anonymous I am aware that my English is definitely not of the best quality and I would like to apologize for it, I was not born on a English speaking country, and did not have the best education when it comes to speaking other languages or any subject really. I would like to address something that bothers me quite a bit, one of statement you made, “we all buff women are men” now I struggle at understanding what you meant, I’m definitely not the one to criticize the grammar of anyone but I’m sure it’s probably right grammatically since you imply your English is superior to mine when you said “I think I can speak for ever English major ever”
(2/2) I’m sure people will agree with me that this cuote sound nonetheless quite odd for someone who claims to have a ‘superior grammar’ don’t you think? In any way my point is to try one’s best to not be a hypocrite and try to help each other get better, my English isn’t the best so I’ll give that task to someone more adequate to do the job perhaps your mother will be able to do so. -Mr. The Funny Turtle P.s. If you find anything wrong with my comments grammar please let me know, my English needs to get better 🐢 To the artist: don’t let comments like this affect you, not that it help to ease the pain but It sadly comes with posting anything in the internet, shit posting is part of internet culture, I would love to see more of your art in the future.
Dear Mr funny turtle, fix your dog shit grammar. And my grammar is superior to yours that’s just a fact my guy and yes buff women are men have you seen them? They’re obviously trannys (: and also also the author/artist is not going to see your comment
I love this site
To: Mr. Anonymous
The letter you send me I found quite homophobic from my perspective, and that women with buff trades dose not mean that there man nor trans, that can really be offensive, especially for those woman that go exercise for there health and having guys like yourself, judging women for how they look doesn’t help, now dose it? Besides if in the case of you going to a woman who looks like this and tell them that there a guy or if they did the operation, they’ll probably beat you up real bad, since you, just like me, are in this website are probably not in the best physical condition and a key difference is that you are being a Piece of shit person who Criticizes people in places like this because your an addict,
you have so much Anger you can’t do something creative with it, instead you bully and really just shit posting to other people it’s telly just better if you just keep those duty hand’s of you insade your pants. And You keep claiming that you English grammar is “better” but I think having superior language skills is not that great if you are a GIANT pice of shit, like you 🙂 I sincerely pity every partner you’ll ever have. I hope you seek therapy, I will probably not answer any more to your letters unless they surprise in any way,i have better things to do that to answer people like you. And yes, I will never know if the artist reed’s my letter’s but my point was made. Sincerely: Mr. The Funny Turtle🐢
I came here to jerk off, the fuck is happening
I… I don’t even know at this point.
Can someone tell me what’s the name of This style of drawing women? I really liked this
Good shit
I really like the paper drawn artwork and i also like how unlike most people i can actually see what’s happening instead of seeing just a bunch of eraser smudge
How about v 2 ?
ɡɑd ʌv spaltoon pɔrn
Yeah I love this cuz the way he drew the woman
I really like the fact that you actually drew the pictures and did not just digitally draw it looks really nice keep up the good work my guy
10/10 only because a muscular woman was fucked by a male
Really good art, keep it up
Peak artwork, no need for canvas when you can draw- though imagine if someone finds your artwork
Yeah I can imagine that it would be SO amersising
How do you spell amberising
I think it’s like amberising
Its embarssing good sir
umm are yall stupid?
its embresssinguh
This is really fucking good Jesus Christ
this is absolute PEAK for a paper drawing
holy shit.
this is a decent ass drawing.
looks like its in a paper. 10/10
It’s on paper, he took a photo dumbass
Nuh uh