Dude is the reason Christ is never coming back so do us all a favor and take a gun put it in your mouth and pull the trigger and leave a note explaining what you were doing going to do to this poor soul so everyone hates you even in death now once you’ve reached hell you will be given the worst torture ever for all time and if that smile drops once off your face I hope a demon dose what you want to do to your sister
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It's A Given! Siblings Have Incestuous Sex!!! 2 is written by Artist : k8on.
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Why do people enjoy this
Why is this so hot to me
I want to bend my sister over and rape her even more after reading this
my guy.
Get the Shotgun, boys.
Yis sir ,!
Nigga what.
please end your life.
“I’m Bout To Bomb This Whole Mother fucking Plane”
Glad we all agree this nigga need to go
The fuck
Ur weird
Noah get the fucking boat we are flooding the world again
kill yourself lil nigga ong
kill yourself fr
do it to me instead
Tf I hope this is a joke
Dude is the reason Christ is never coming back so do us all a favor and take a gun put it in your mouth and pull the trigger and leave a note explaining what you were doing going to do to this poor soul so everyone hates you even in death now once you’ve reached hell you will be given the worst torture ever for all time and if that smile drops once off your face I hope a demon dose what you want to do to your sister
what in the living fuck?
Nigga you should fucking kill yourself right now
I really want to do that with my sisters
I already did
Nigga what
excuse me? give us the story
Put some iron in your mouth and pull the trigger!
How the fuck