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Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ entered time and history through the Incarnation. “The Word became flesh and dwelt among us, full of grace and truth” (John 1:14). Jesus Christ, the eternal Son of God (Matthew 16:16), is a gift of love from the Father for the salvation of the world (John 3:16-17), the one who died for all of mankind, our “Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ” (Philippians 3:20).
I don’t have anything against the bible but why is this being talked in the “HD Porn Comics’? Could this be in a safer environment online besides this or any “Porn” related to sex websites? No offense but why post this here knowing that somebody may as well say something to your comment that might anger you?
Christians love to be offended. They go to the worst websites just to spread their message and get hate. They FEED off of it. The worst part is that usually these people are conservatives that make fun of others for getting offended, making these people giant hypocrites.
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Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ entered time and history through the Incarnation. “The Word became flesh and dwelt among us, full of grace and truth” (John 1:14). Jesus Christ, the eternal Son of God (Matthew 16:16), is a gift of love from the Father for the salvation of the world (John 3:16-17), the one who died for all of mankind, our “Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ” (Philippians 3:20).
Get the fuck out of here with your bullshit religion
nobody gives a shit
Nobody gives a shit about you too.
I don’t have anything against the bible but why is this being talked in the “HD Porn Comics’? Could this be in a safer environment online besides this or any “Porn” related to sex websites? No offense but why post this here knowing that somebody may as well say something to your comment that might anger you?
Christians love to be offended. They go to the worst websites just to spread their message and get hate. They FEED off of it. The worst part is that usually these people are conservatives that make fun of others for getting offended, making these people giant hypocrites.
we know u gAY HUNny stop the christian bullshit
damn they really are desperate or smth
Please leave, let everyone else enjoy their fetishes without no religion bullshit
as always fuze your art is amazing
That feet of your art is so hot
consetual sex? sounds good to me. 9/10
It’s alright
Yes! Been waiting for another upload