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You know the “art style” when people can’t draw front facing wolves, so it’s just the normal face and then a side-profile snout? It’s like that, but with dicks. Image 13 as reference
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Legoshi X Jack Sequence is written by Artist : chicobo.
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Also see Porn Comics like Legoshi X Jack Sequence in tags Anal , Blowjob , Cumshot , Furry Porn Comics and Furries Comics , Gay & Yaoi , Parody: Beastars , TV / Movies.
You know the “art style” when people can’t draw front facing wolves, so it’s just the normal face and then a side-profile snout? It’s like that, but with dicks. Image 13 as reference
Yea i noticed that it bothers me
Let me join
Not to be a dickhead, but I was just scrolling and saw this and I completely lost my boner.
Why? Thats hot
Lost mine too
LMAOO either you like the show or you aren’t gay lol or maybe u aren’t into furry shit
Not going to lie same for me
This was so cute
Damm man! keep this up i want to se legoshi cum inside Jacks Ass and make an creampie this is so hot! 10/10
Hot af! I Wish to be in Jack’s place!