Yeah I want a fanfic Zelda comic about link doing experiments across hyrule, also the art is super well done. They are really wasting their talent by making porn
Yes it would the lynel mask stops lynels from recognizing you and even then you can walk by then and observe them from a distance without them attacking you with nothing on
Part two when?
peak lol 8.5/10
It’s weird but this has series material
Poor link
you don’t say!
Part 2 plz!!!
the artist should make a sfw version as the story is actually pretty good
Yeah I want a fanfic Zelda comic about link doing experiments across hyrule, also the art is super well done. They are really wasting their talent by making porn
I wouldn’t say they waisted anything
You clicked it douchebag
We need a part two
I want to see the lynel now 😫
ripushko does not disappoint, holy shit
Fellas do lynels have 1 or 2 dicks
They’re horse like creatures, obviously they have 1
But they’re more like a human horse mix right? Wouldn’t they have both a human and horse dicks?
The lizard like ones have 2 buy they only have one being their own species
Erm, lynels are much smarter than most enemies, this would not fool a lynel
I hope you get brutally raped by 379 bokoblins 243 moblins 167 lizalfos 26 octorocks 34 lynels 69 hinox and 12 molduga
55 Burgers 55 Fries 55 Tacos 55 Pies 55 Cokes 100 Tater Tots 100 Pizzas 100 Tenders 100 Meatballs 100 Coffees 55 Wings 55 Shakes 55 Pancakes 55 Pastas 55 Peppers 155 toys
I wish I got raped by all of these all at once or taking turns.
Yes it would the lynel mask stops lynels from recognizing you and even then you can walk by then and observe them from a distance without them attacking you with nothing on
Last panel:yep he’s 100% dead if he try that
Why must you desecrat link like this you should be ashamed
Let’s be real, he 100% coulda killed them at any point. He liked it.
Part two with lynel please
God, I want to be Link fr fr
Nah bro, u need god fr 😭
I could rape you if you want~
😶brother I know you was trying to sound sexy but yo ass failed,like bad
Real. This shit ain’t chai
LMAO fr in chai the mfs be raping me cuz I look at them
Thats Not how raping works!! It’s non consensual🙀
Not when I do it~
That no um just no