Bored asf… here’s my favorite albums ever in no particular order incase anyone was wondering (you probably weren’t)
-Demon Days -RAM -Dark side of the moon -Blond -CHROMAKOPIAAAA -Alive 2007 -Plastic beach -Life and death of Ziggy stardust and the spiders from mars -Mr Morale -Igor Tired and bored lol
Dommy mommy spotted
Greg approved
Fuck Off
Nuh uh
Nah, I don’t feel like it since I’m better than in every way
The only good thing about this comic is the last page because it at least made me smile.
Bored asf… here’s my favorite albums ever in no particular order incase anyone was wondering (you probably weren’t)
-Demon Days
-Dark side of the moon
-Alive 2007
-Plastic beach
-Life and death of Ziggy stardust and the spiders from mars
-Mr Morale
Tired and bored lol
Good trade ngl
I killed someone today
If it wasn’t a named character they don’t count
Hopefully it was Greg