me, a female dragon surrounded by these guys: i may still be a small dragon, but still im a dragon! *gently craddles a slightly smaller dragon’s head against my chest who looks much more helpless as she trembles* also, touch this INNOCENT bean and ill make you into steaks! you can touch her tho, *points to Amber, a bright orange dragon* Amber: YES! I DARE YOU! *Grins pyschoticly* BURN! BUUUUUUURN!!! MWAHAHAHA!
This is extremely disgusting and needs to be deleted sorry you sick fucks who like this kind of shit but you’re all mentally insane and need serious help
The one who needs serious help is the person who clicked on this fully knowingly what it was and then accuse everybody who actually like this as mentally insane that needs help lol take a serious break off the internet and see something like this just avoided there are way worse things going on in the world then you needing to post a comment on a furry rape comic about how disgusting this is it’s just fiction grow up.
See, a couple nukes in the right locations would probably take care of all that.
-Dwight Eisenhower
Ngl, on page 13 I totally read it as “gang graped” lol
I did not expect sudden nazi furrys tbh
Not my proudest fap
This shit ain’t a comic, bs
me, a female dragon surrounded by these guys: i may still be a small dragon, but still im a dragon! *gently craddles a slightly smaller dragon’s head against my chest who looks much more helpless as she trembles* also, touch this INNOCENT bean and ill make you into steaks! you can touch her tho, *points to Amber, a bright orange dragon* Amber: YES! I DARE YOU! *Grins pyschoticly* BURN! BUUUUUUURN!!! MWAHAHAHA!
Ahhhh, yes. The WoF reference.
This is extremely disgusting and needs to be deleted sorry you sick fucks who like this kind of shit but you’re all mentally insane and need serious help
i agree.
I agree.
I agree.
The one who needs serious help is the person who clicked on this fully knowingly what it was and then accuse everybody who actually like this as mentally insane that needs help lol take a serious break off the internet and see something like this just avoided there are way worse things going on in the world then you needing to post a comment on a furry rape comic about how disgusting this is it’s just fiction grow up.
i agree
It’s the same thing as nazis, “we are the superior race” and shit
I would like a part two
I agree >:[
me three!
no bc wtf was that
barely left and are doing porn will fuck
This comic is lazy af, is the same image with a different caption and some slight changes.
I don’t know if you picked up on this, or, not, but that’s kinda the point of the comic
No shit sherlock
Now I know what’s it’s like to ride a horse cock in a fantasy world of beatskins? or beastkins? I have no clue.
Damn this is still good
I love some story
I thoroughly enjoyed this
Hay fuck you the comic’s lazy
At least I have the fucking balls too put my fucking name in
first comic for bna and the guy who made it has som work to do
ngl the art is okay but the comic is lazy
Looks like someone has finally made a bna porn comic. Nice