Issei means a Japanese immigrant to North America, so not that wierd for it to be a common last name. Like how brown and Smith are common English names
Also see Porn Comics like Moonflower in tags Ahegao , Big Ass , Big Breasts , Female Slave , Mature , Milf , Mind Break , Mind Control & Hypnosis , Nakadashi , Pantyhose , Straight Sex , Teacher , Uncensored.
Why is the guy always big fat ugly and doesn’t clean himself?
The ugly part doesn’t even matter I just wish he would at least clean himself
For real, why is that so widely spread? Is being uncleaned turning on or smth? If so, I totally don’t get it…
for real the male doesn’t need to be detailed
Does no one realize the teacher has the same last name a Issei from Highschool Dxd, coincidence, I think not ?
I think it is
Issei means a Japanese immigrant to North America, so not that wierd for it to be a common last name. Like how brown and Smith are common English names