i love you. ive read all of your comics, downloaded some… i need you in my life. keep posting these beautiful pictures of art and i will keep reading. you have made my life so much better. if you have a discord, please tell me, if not, MAKE ONE. sugestion: please make both of them say”i love you” to each other. i love you. god bless you and your loved ones. from your number one fan, -Foobear
i love you. ive read all of your comics, downloaded some… i need you in my life. keep posting these beautiful pictures of art and i will keep reading. you have made my life so much better. if you have a discord, please tell me, if not, MAKE ONE. sugestion: please make both of them say”i love you” to each other. i love you. god bless you and your loved ones. from your number one fan, -Foobear
I am surprised nobody commented on how good this whole thing looks. I think it’s 3D, atleast partially, and it’s heckin amazing
I saw his thing. Make it BIGGER. Its like my 13 year old cousins. Tiny.
Nigga what?
So Im here eating my fried rice reading this I’m not jerking off I think there siblings
Ya know, I’m surprised my dumbass haters haven’t spam reported my comments by now lmao. Pretty sure I could actually get banned, that shit would suck
Damn, I wasn’t expecting a pfp change from you. I guess Duus rubbed off on you
It was too good to pass up
I thought the same
Only users with accounts like ours can report comments
Additionally, you could even appeal a false report!
Nice, I haven’t pissed off any verified, from what I know at least
Do mods even look at reports? People say some crazy stuff on here everyday no problem
She’s built for big cock, glad he doesn’t have a shrimp