For those who’re wondering, this is part of a much bigger comic called “Queenie & Anon’s Adventure”. It doesn’t get updated too often, but the story has developed a lot so far, and there’s a couple extra times where there’s some sexual tension between the two of them as well (even going a little bit further than what this has). I highly recommend it!
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For those who’re wondering, this is part of a much bigger comic called “Queenie & Anon’s Adventure”. It doesn’t get updated too often, but the story has developed a lot so far, and there’s a couple extra times where there’s some sexual tension between the two of them as well (even going a little bit further than what this has). I highly recommend it!
Needs porn. Can’t be on this website without it.
Replace nidoqueen with approximately 10 bidoofs and you got me
I enjoyed this, even without the porn this was a cool concept we need more this would make a good non porn comic
it was good but where was the sex?
it was good but where was the sex?
huh that explains why i love nidoqueen
It was 3 years ago
I do realy like a sequel
we want a sequel