*presses button* The inator fires up. “With this new invention I will be able to make anyone seem like they are nothing! I shall rule the tristate area!” *the inator finishes and causes false vacume decay, turning everything into actual nothing at the speed of light*
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Nothing-Inator is written by Artist : Kogeikun.
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This is dumb
“A platypus? PERRY THE PLATYPUS?! , HAH FELL RIGHT INTO MY TRAP, now perry the platypus witness my new invention THE NOTHING INATOR!”
*presses button* The inator fires up. “With this new invention I will be able to make anyone seem like they are nothing! I shall rule the tristate area!” *the inator finishes and causes false vacume decay, turning everything into actual nothing at the speed of light*
*Perry swing into the window breaking in*
*Perry somehow spectacularly reversing it as he is an eldritch being*
Man doing the same face 4 times