10/10 can’t wait to have a sequel and see a flame princess or marceline one also really find it cute how Finn and pb are even if Finn cheated on fp I also love the comical scenes of that candy corn general being the princess and peppermint butt cleaning which sad for him but then again he uses dark magic and hurts people with it
10/10 can’t wait to have a sequel and see a flame princess or marceline one also really find it cute how Finn and pb are even if Finn cheated on fp I also love the comical scenes of that candy corn general being the princess and peppermint butt cleaning which sad for him but then again he uses dark magic and hurts people with it
This could just be me but I am on a phone and the panels are very small. I get it is a comic but having to zoom in to be able to read the text was a little obnoxious. Sorry if that hoes against how you want to make your art. Again could just be me
uh fun facts: 1. that would mean pb is around finns age which makes it better as a standard because pb is way older than finn 2. this is a cartoon/point comic, not real life
10/10 can’t wait to have a sequel and see a flame princess or marceline one also really find it cute how Finn and pb are even if Finn cheated on fp I also love the comical scenes of that candy corn general being the princess and peppermint butt cleaning which sad for him but then again he uses dark magic and hurts people with it
10/10 can’t wait to have a sequel and see a flame princess or marceline one also really find it cute how Finn and pb are even if Finn cheated on fp I also love the comical scenes of that candy corn general being the princess and peppermint butt cleaning which sad for him but then again he uses dark magic and hurts people with it
This could just be me but I am on a phone and the panels are very small. I get it is a comic but having to zoom in to be able to read the text was a little obnoxious. Sorry if that hoes against how you want to make your art. Again could just be me
Still giving a like
Hey uh fun fact in this episode pb gets turned into a kid this is child porn
uh fun facts: 1. that would mean pb is around finns age which makes it better as a standard because pb is way older than finn 2. this is a cartoon/point comic, not real life
porn* (stupid autocorrect)
Well 1 its not real so there’s that but with that logic it’s cp regardless finns a minor but I guess it doesn’t count because he’s a guy right
Finn x bubblegum master race
This comic is so weird bit fapable material
Pepermint Buttler legit was pissed off I’d be if i had to clean up a shit load of sperm after that too
Pepermint Buttler legit was pissed off I’d be if i had to clean up a shit load of sperm after that too
finn x bubblegum > bubblegum x marceline
bubblegum > marceline
U right
Gummy shit? 💀