Spending 20055 dollars on a fossilized twinkie, shoving it up my ass while using the limited edition DOOM: Eternal Doritos bag as makeshift fleshlight fullled wth Mountain Dew, lighter fluid, and all of the items on the Macdonalds menu while gooning to a framed picture of Adolf Hitler, and cumming right before blowing my head(s) off with a double barrel shotgun.
Spending 20055 dollars on a fossilized twinkie, shoving it up my ass while using the limited edition DOOM: Eternal Doritos bag as makeshift fleshlight fullled wth Mountain Dew, lighter fluid, and all of the items on the Macdonalds menu while gooning to a framed picture of Adolf Hitler, and cumming right before blowing my head(s) off with a double barrel shotgun.
Vamos argentina carajoooo!!! Campeones del mundo ⭐⭐⭐ (really bad Spanish although)
it’s a British person oh em gee
You mean Australian?
I don’t even know. They both say bloody hell so I can’t even tell.
Muy caliente!
Never post again or I will swing my balls across your face like a grandfather clock
Sounds like a fun time
That’s a weird “threat” to post on a M/M comic.
More like a reward but ok