Depends on the video game and how powerful he is in said game. Like, right in the beginning of Ragnarok, Kratos can barely last for a minute BUT if he gets all the gear, I think he would win
bro the hellwalker (aka doom slayer) is canonically immortal and has canonically killed actual gods. his whole bit is killing gods. he killed the father, he killed the dark lord, he killed the khan maykyr and her whole empire, he slaughtered titans and singlehandedly brought ruin to the armies of both heaven and hell. kratos is getting bodied
This is weird but fuck it, not bad
this was fucking goated, love this artist
holy shit this is insane like oh my god
Every where I go I see his face
I forgor what I did
Oh wow
Oh I think I remembered
I reported the comic
I think that’s what I did
Pls repent or confess before it’s to late
doomslayer vs god of war series how long bro lasting?
Depends on the video game and how powerful he is in said game. Like, right in the beginning of Ragnarok, Kratos can barely last for a minute BUT if he gets all the gear, I think he would win
You have a super soldier against a bunch of gods
It all depend on who he goes against but I doubt he would do real damage to gods
The Doom slayer in Doom eternal is not a super soldier, he is a god
bro the hellwalker (aka doom slayer) is canonically immortal and has canonically killed actual gods. his whole bit is killing gods. he killed the father, he killed the dark lord, he killed the khan maykyr and her whole empire, he slaughtered titans and singlehandedly brought ruin to the armies of both heaven and hell. kratos is getting bodied
You described Kratos but with guns
Fun fact: cannonically, the doom slayer doesn’t even need guns, his fists are MUCH more powerful, the guns are just for fun
Kratos thing is also killing god (well used to be I think didn’t kept up with the lore of God of wars)