Anonymousyes_im_horny_enough_to_make_a_account● 1 week ago
Omagh its sprigatito
Anonymousyes_im_horny_enough_to_make_a_account● 1 week ago
Read this comment section and see how I dismantled your friend Nick’s facade of an intelligent, mild-mannered, and uncaring man.
yes_im_horny_enough_to_make_a_account Anonymous● 1 week ago
Not dismantled, both of yall are dumbasses and make zero sense in that comment shit, i would say you diddnt win neither did he in the so called “argument” like both of yall should just shut the fuck up and stop arguing over some shit that you ( or a different anon ) started because tehy or you was beinga bitch ( no offense nick I’m just saying both of yall are being dumbasses in this situation :3 )
NickOriental yes_im_horny_enough_to_make_a_account● 1 week ago
Nah, you right fr ¯_(ツ)_/¯
Anonymousyes_im_horny_enough_to_make_a_account● 1 week ago
Learn how to fucking type before speaking. I literally don’t even know what your point was in making this comment. I made a (true) point, Nick came in defending his queen, I proved him wrong multiple times, and he rage-quit. Just because your lizard brain can’t comprehend my statement, doesn’t mean that I was being a bitch 😹😹
Anonymousyes_im_horny_enough_to_make_a_account● 1 week ago
Also, I CLEARLY won, the dude literally gave zero counterclaims and then left the party 😹😹
yes_im_horny_enough_to_make_a_account Anonymous● 1 week ago
Cleary now your just angry as both of yall are dumbasses problem solved like yall anons need to understand that yall ain’t important , end of conversation yap and respond to me all you want its just one sided beef lmao
Anonymousyes_im_horny_enough_to_make_a_account● 1 week ago
I never said that I wasn’t angry lil bro, I said that Nick was deluding himself into believing that he wasn’t mad at me. I should’ve known better than tagging your biased ass anyway. Good luck with your cronyism 🫵😹🤡
yes_im_horny_enough_to_make_a_account Anonymous● 1 week ago
I’ll take you seriously when you lose the emoji and grow up
First off, I seriously doubt that. And second off, just because one person said the art is good doesn’t mean they’re wrong. It’s a matter of opinion, so all you’re being, is just a petty little bitch just saying shit to make up for the attention you don’t get at home. I just feel sorry for you.
Obviously I cant draw for shit nigga, I already said that I have no creativity in another comment. Also, I think that this art is good, I was just pointing out the flaws in the “If you think it’s so bad, then do better!” argument. And I get tons of attention from my family, I come on this site to make you losers mad purely for fun. It’s just like a video game for me 😹😹
Absolute bottom of the barrel dogshit. If you can’t do better, you have no right to talk. None whatsoever. As for the attention thing, I’ve never heard more of a lie in my life. You’re the definition of a gremlin, and the world would literally be a better place if a gun kissed your forehead. Eat shit and die.
So just because I can’t draw better than a cp artist like Shadman, I can’t say that it’s trash? Also, I have you wishing death on a CHILD over some internet arguments? It saddens me that a grown man would bully and harass a young, impressionable kid to this extent. I might just kill myself and leave a note saying “NickOriental on Hdporncomics told me that he would kill my family if I didn’t commit suicide.” So the feds can track your ass down and arrest you. 😹😹
He’s a delusional hypocrite. Dude cries about how he won’t give any attention to us anons, yet he keeps replying. Then he never argues an actual point, just resorting to insults and projection. Mf acts like I can’t have anybody who agrees with me, yet he has Yoel, duus, and all these other losers in his corner. Shit’s laughable. 😹😹
You’re on a porn site, dumbass. You shouldn’t even be here. I just want you to kill yourself more, do something about it. And using a fake name? Good luck. And saying child porn is trash, is different than saying art is trash, you fucking retard.
You put your email into this site, Nick. They can just track you down using that. Also, I was referring to Shadman’s art style, which I consider to be lacking. And you’re very clearly pissed off at me even though I’ve barely even been trying to rage-bait in this conversation. This shows how you lack emotional control. At age 14, I’ve matured enough to be able to manipulate grown adults to lose control and sight of their morals. You resort to Ad hominem after ad hominem, yet I only called you a loser once. If this was a video game, I just beat you with no damage to myself.
Funny how you think that’s actually a possibility. And as I’ve told countless others, I don’t feel angry, I just say what I think/know. You’re not worth my anger. I refuse to talk to a child further, so since I actually have a life, I’m going to do that now.
You see? This is your pattern. You get into arguments, refuse to argue any points, resort to insults, then rage-quit under the guise of “I have things to do, you’re not my my time.” yet you log onto this site everyday to chat with your butt buddies. You neither refuted my point nor argued your own, yet you continue to delude yourself into thinking that you aren’t mad (Presumably as a coping mechanism, perhaps from childhood trauma such as teasing or bullying) even though you constantly make your sentences brusque, throw out insults, resort to name-calling, and even wishing death on someone who has done no wrongdoing to you. All clear indications of anger and frustration. I was trolling at first, but now I gain no pleasure from this, as I see you are simply a pathetic man-child.
I’d rather deck your ass into the dirt before splattering you on a wall so people can see what ugly truly looks like, and feel better about themselves.
You really do have a strange obsession with me I’m honored. Do you want a autograph as well? I mean since you are so eager to keep commenting. Is it pride cause you want the last word?
Bitch do you want my dick since you’re so eager to keep this going and have the last word? Typical coming from a women. You all are pathetic hypocrites, constantly. Your problem is you haven’t had a dick up your crusty pussy in decades!
It’s kind of ironic because you keep coming back yourself. I get it—you sit in your room all day eating Cheetos. Clearly, you have the time to keep returning here. Go do something with your life—go outside, spend time with your family. Maybe one day, you’ll even get a girl. I can only hope that you’ll improve and start doing something useful.
Talk about dick-riding and being a hypocrite, since you keep coming back here to comment anyway. At this point, I figure you’re just rage-baiting. I sincerely hope your life improves and that you find something better to do than starting beef with random people on the internet you don’t even know, That being said i am going to ignore these comments from now on since it’s leading to nothing productive really and has 0 point.
You must have an extremely sad life to resort to rage-baiting random people on the internet. My guess is that your parents never really gave you any love.
I’m not that other guy but you mfs have to come up with something else. “You get no attention at home!” even if that was true, now what? We’re still gonna make you bitches mad, and there’s nothing you can do about it 😹😹
I’ll make them niggas mad, yeah, somebody gotta do it 🫵😹
shit was too funny 😂
…all from a 5 letter sentence
That’s my guilty~
New profile?
Yep I’m now weed cat
Omagh its sprigatito
Read this comment section and see how I dismantled your friend Nick’s facade of an intelligent, mild-mannered, and uncaring man.
Not dismantled, both of yall are dumbasses and make zero sense in that comment shit, i would say you diddnt win neither did he in the so called “argument” like both of yall should just shut the fuck up and stop arguing over some shit that you ( or a different anon ) started because tehy or you was beinga bitch ( no offense nick I’m just saying both of yall are being dumbasses in this situation :3 )
Nah, you right fr ¯_(ツ)_/¯
Learn how to fucking type before speaking. I literally don’t even know what your point was in making this comment. I made a (true) point, Nick came in defending his queen, I proved him wrong multiple times, and he rage-quit. Just because your lizard brain can’t comprehend my statement, doesn’t mean that I was being a bitch 😹😹
Also, I CLEARLY won, the dude literally gave zero counterclaims and then left the party 😹😹
Cleary now your just angry as both of yall are dumbasses problem solved like yall anons need to understand that yall ain’t important , end of conversation yap and respond to me all you want its just one sided beef lmao
I never said that I wasn’t angry lil bro, I said that Nick was deluding himself into believing that he wasn’t mad at me. I should’ve known better than tagging your biased ass anyway. Good luck with your cronyism 🫵😹🤡
I’ll take you seriously when you lose the emoji and grow up
The art is nice- though wasted potential
Nigga the art is awful
can you draw like that?
Yes nigga, what now? You don’t have to be a chef to say the food is trash 🫵😹
If you can draw like that than draw your own porn
First off, I seriously doubt that. And second off, just because one person said the art is good doesn’t mean they’re wrong. It’s a matter of opinion, so all you’re being, is just a petty little bitch just saying shit to make up for the attention you don’t get at home. I just feel sorry for you.
He doesn’t even have an account, he’s rage baiting
Dumbass nigga why would I make an account for a porn site? I’m here to troll, not jack off.
Obviously I cant draw for shit nigga, I already said that I have no creativity in another comment. Also, I think that this art is good, I was just pointing out the flaws in the “If you think it’s so bad, then do better!” argument. And I get tons of attention from my family, I come on this site to make you losers mad purely for fun. It’s just like a video game for me 😹😹
Absolute bottom of the barrel dogshit. If you can’t do better, you have no right to talk. None whatsoever. As for the attention thing, I’ve never heard more of a lie in my life. You’re the definition of a gremlin, and the world would literally be a better place if a gun kissed your forehead. Eat shit and die.
So just because I can’t draw better than a cp artist like Shadman, I can’t say that it’s trash? Also, I have you wishing death on a CHILD over some internet arguments? It saddens me that a grown man would bully and harass a young, impressionable kid to this extent. I might just kill myself and leave a note saying “NickOriental on Hdporncomics told me that he would kill my family if I didn’t commit suicide.” So the feds can track your ass down and arrest you. 😹😹
Get em bro Nick is a fucking clown 🤝
Says the dick rider. How about you grow some balls and stop sucking dicks?
You started the conversation off by dick-riding. You even said “You tell em, queen!” like a simp. Foh with that projection.
Exactly he a simp for that harlot and a dick rider for Yoel, Horny and Pizzaboi. You can’t make this this up 🤦♂️
He’s a delusional hypocrite. Dude cries about how he won’t give any attention to us anons, yet he keeps replying. Then he never argues an actual point, just resorting to insults and projection. Mf acts like I can’t have anybody who agrees with me, yet he has Yoel, duus, and all these other losers in his corner. Shit’s laughable. 😹😹
You’re on a porn site, dumbass. You shouldn’t even be here. I just want you to kill yourself more, do something about it. And using a fake name? Good luck. And saying child porn is trash, is different than saying art is trash, you fucking retard.
You put your email into this site, Nick. They can just track you down using that. Also, I was referring to Shadman’s art style, which I consider to be lacking. And you’re very clearly pissed off at me even though I’ve barely even been trying to rage-bait in this conversation. This shows how you lack emotional control. At age 14, I’ve matured enough to be able to manipulate grown adults to lose control and sight of their morals. You resort to Ad hominem after ad hominem, yet I only called you a loser once. If this was a video game, I just beat you with no damage to myself.
Funny how you think that’s actually a possibility. And as I’ve told countless others, I don’t feel angry, I just say what I think/know. You’re not worth my anger. I refuse to talk to a child further, so since I actually have a life, I’m going to do that now.
You see? This is your pattern. You get into arguments, refuse to argue any points, resort to insults, then rage-quit under the guise of “I have things to do, you’re not my my time.” yet you log onto this site everyday to chat with your butt buddies. You neither refuted my point nor argued your own, yet you continue to delude yourself into thinking that you aren’t mad (Presumably as a coping mechanism, perhaps from childhood trauma such as teasing or bullying) even though you constantly make your sentences brusque, throw out insults, resort to name-calling, and even wishing death on someone who has done no wrongdoing to you. All clear indications of anger and frustration. I was trolling at first, but now I gain no pleasure from this, as I see you are simply a pathetic man-child.
show me, or are you going to criticize something without any proof come on im waiting for your glorious art
Hey Nick, stand up. Clench your fist, punch her right in the face. Throw that shit from the shoulder. Smirk as she lays bleeding. Regret nothing.
What the fuck….
What did he say that was wrong? His kind (blacks) are used to beating up women…
Not the fucking “his kind” 🙏😭
I’d rather deck your ass into the dirt before splattering you on a wall so people can see what ugly truly looks like, and feel better about themselves.
Uh oh, nicks angry again. KFC must have ran out of chicken.
Funny how you think I’m angry. I don’t have to be angry to say what I would do, bitchass
Survey says that’s a lie.
Whatever you wanna tell yourself
Mf you smoke weed, you aren’t decking anyone with your frail ass body 🫵😹
Where did you pull this out off? Your ass? Has to be, cause it’s full of shit. Since when does weed effect your muscle?
You’re putting smoke into your lungs. It’s common sense that it would effect your cardiovascular system, therefore effecting your power output.
Funny. Just. Funny. Not how it works, buddy ole pal.
Explain to me how it works then, Mr. Weed Professor.
You tell ’em, Queen
Learn how to construct a complete sentence, and then I might consider it. Also, get your ass back in that kitchen, woman! 🫵🤠
har har you are funny and original- i am not even natively english so i dont care about the grammar police
Then go back to your country. Are you Charlie Sheens aids infested whore?
Nigga do me a quick favor and follow these steps.
1. Grab a rope and hang yourself.
You really do have a strange obsession with me I’m honored. Do you want a autograph as well? I mean since you are so eager to keep commenting. Is it pride cause you want the last word?
Bitch do you want my dick since you’re so eager to keep this going and have the last word? Typical coming from a women. You all are pathetic hypocrites, constantly. Your problem is you haven’t had a dick up your crusty pussy in decades!
It’s kind of ironic because you keep coming back yourself. I get it—you sit in your room all day eating Cheetos. Clearly, you have the time to keep returning here. Go do something with your life—go outside, spend time with your family. Maybe one day, you’ll even get a girl. I can only hope that you’ll improve and start doing something useful.
Talk about dick-riding and being a hypocrite, since you keep coming back here to comment anyway. At this point, I figure you’re just rage-baiting. I sincerely hope your life improves and that you find something better to do than starting beef with random people on the internet you don’t even know, That being said i am going to ignore these comments from now on since it’s leading to nothing productive really and has 0 point.
You must have an extremely sad life to resort to rage-baiting random people on the internet. My guess is that your parents never really gave you any love.
I’m not that other guy but you mfs have to come up with something else. “You get no attention at home!” even if that was true, now what? We’re still gonna make you bitches mad, and there’s nothing you can do about it 😹😹