1:Because there is one less page 2: imagine yveltal’s mother’s reaction when she finds out about her 2nd grandson 3: as a Brazilian I must say when his mother finds out he will understand what a spanking means (just like silver finding out what the RGB trio did)
Where is page 19
1:Because there is one less page
2: imagine yveltal’s mother’s reaction when she finds out about her 2nd grandson
3: as a Brazilian I must say when his mother finds out he will understand what a spanking means (just like silver finding out what the RGB trio did)
Why does it go in an loop or is it just me :sob:
Yveltal’s mom: 🗿
Me who ships yvetal and Xerneas: Yess.. YESS… YEEEESSSSSSS
Bro make another one of these yvelty x xnernes
Ngl matemi had good priorities also good references with the star wars one at the end and I just noticed
I wanna know where zygarde is bro..