yes_im_horny_enough_to_make_a_account AllieShark● 1 month ago
Well fuck, I didn’t even read it as I just comment and shit but after going through it to find that, we can also figure it out by just the size and measurements of the bodies compared to each other
yes_im_horny_enough_to_make_a_account Jeffery Epste1n● 1 month ago
It still could be CP as when your “balls dropped” is when you hit puberty so still can be CP so the F E M B O I could be around 13 or 14 roughly making it CP but also couldn’t be idk just a guess
Fucking wonderful, I’m a bad person now?
Same concept but do woman with a strapon pegging him in a chastity cage
Is this cp on one of the pages he mentions “An adult penis”
Well fuck, I didn’t even read it as I just comment and shit but after going through it to find that, we can also figure it out by just the size and measurements of the bodies compared to each other
Yeah it’s kinda sus
After further review, I would classify this as not cp, as the “femboy” in question appears to have their balls dropped.
It still could be CP as when your “balls dropped” is when you hit puberty so still can be CP so the F E M B O I could be around 13 or 14 roughly making it CP but also couldn’t be idk just a guess
yeah no shits it’s a cp, Sorry sorry, but a lot of cp comic with old men start off as a photo shoot, Adult penis yeah that’s a child.
Another anon with a name 😀 also yeah it is CP
Yay! The more the merrier! Unless you use just one letter… I hate them…
That’s a fair point, thanks for helping solve this mystery
Do I trust the opinion of Epstein because he’s an expert on the matter, or do I distrust him under suspicion
I’m watching you👀
You adding a star now 😀
Yeah! Gay boy gave me a gold star in the ice queen comic so I wear this star with pride it’s like my deputy badge
I got beef with I and T, if either of you see this, fuck you.
Who is “I” and who is “T”?
Two anons who stole my whole thing
-F (They sign off like me but with I and T respectively)
Fun fact I’m pretty sure either apple man started the signing off or it was anon64 my memory a lil blurry abt it
Yea ik but these guys stole my whole letter shtick too!😭😭😭
I’m back -t
Honest crash out
Never expected Jeffery Epstein to be on my side
yuh fr this is a massively fair and respectable crash out
also.. massive..?
You know what else is massive…?
Where do I buy the bell collar thing ( I indeed did say something femboy here Mr. Folder 🗿)
They have em on Amazon
-random femboy
Btw, how tf did you even make an account on here
-random femboy
Just click on the profile that’s how I did it ( if I remember right)
Thankies :3
You welcome :3
I need the source image of your pfp :3
If you talking about the one am using right now the source is Gay Vaporeon Bukkake Gangbang [MM] r/VapereonHentia
Ik cm bouta say something femboy-y on here
What is cm I read it as cum but idk I’m slow also I just said a femboy thing above you so yeah add that to the folder
Sorry I was away witnessing peak (a shitty circus that had bumblebee for some reason)
Cheese man
I’m hunting u f -t