Sans x Frisk x Papyrus comic porn image 1Sans x Frisk x Papyrus comic porn image 2Sans x Frisk x Papyrus comic porn image 3Sans x Frisk x Papyrus comic porn image 4Sans x Frisk x Papyrus comic porn image 5Sans x Frisk x Papyrus comic porn image 6Sans x Frisk x Papyrus comic porn image 7Sans x Frisk x Papyrus comic porn image 8Sans x Frisk x Papyrus comic porn image 9Sans x Frisk x Papyrus comic porn image 10Sans x Frisk x Papyrus comic porn image 11Sans x Frisk x Papyrus comic porn image 12Sans x Frisk x Papyrus comic porn image 13
Shower thought: you think most skeletons with different colored souls have different flavours of uh… Lets say- ‘ecto-cum’? Like- y’all think pap and sans’ jizz taste like fruit? Orange for pap and Blueberry for Sans?
I got 2 things to say. 1. to the other comments, and 1 about the comic itself. 1. to the comments bringing up frisk’s age, they do not have a canon age, so it really doesn’t count for much. sure they do seem like a child, but aged up porn is also a thing, and their age is never actually stated. 2. I’m not really into papy and sans, but I love how this is done with papy not having any clue about what is going on and just kinda rolling with it. great job dude!
I have no clue about their age but it doesn’t matter if it’s fictional or not, if there are NSFW comics containing an underage person (and they get involved) then it’s basically the same as cp, it doesn’t matter if it’s fictional it still would be portraying cp.
Uh, pretty sure the creator forgot a word. ‘Scissor’ was supposed to be in front of ‘Alphys’
Shower thought: you think most skeletons with different colored souls have different flavours of uh… Lets say- ‘ecto-cum’? Like- y’all think pap and sans’ jizz taste like fruit? Orange for pap and Blueberry for Sans?
Does that mean faster would be……black fucking licorice……no wonder he has no wife
Nah I think blackberry
Black Chery flavor cum
Nah this whold be canon if they added sex to undertale
papyrus grow a dick…
Why? 😀🔫
Papyrus… i didnt think a trainee of the royal guard could do this
This is one of the better ones
This is kinda funny
*megalovania intensifies *
ah fuck off!!!
Ah fuck off
I got 2 things to say. 1. to the other comments, and 1 about the comic itself.
1. to the comments bringing up frisk’s age, they do not have a canon age, so it really doesn’t count for much. sure they do seem like a child, but aged up porn is also a thing, and their age is never actually stated.
2. I’m not really into papy and sans, but I love how this is done with papy not having any clue about what is going on and just kinda rolling with it. great job dude!
They are kids wtf delete this now
this is a fanmade bud, he/she is mostly likely 19 or over
Imagine seeing the same frisk that fell down an hour ago, THEY ARE THE SURGSCE AFTER LIKE 9 YEARS DUMBASS
I love how Undyne was just like “Fuck this shit I’m out.”
“Fuck this shit ii’m out”
where was undyne?
I have only just realized frisk is a minor, then again he/she isnt real so I have no leg to stand on
I have no clue about their age but it doesn’t matter if it’s fictional or not, if there are NSFW comics containing an underage person (and they get involved) then it’s basically the same as cp, it doesn’t matter if it’s fictional it still would be portraying cp.
They literally dont exist at all, it isn’t cp
Finally something good
that was pretty nice
not alot of comic with papyrus
Ive been waiting gor this comic to be on here, thanks admin!!
Page nine look at papyrus