Well actually yes he could as his power makes him harden to a substance as strong as metal I believe and bakugo has done full up blasts at close range and then miss causing it to hit buildings it the building is wood or brick or rock it would break but with metal it’s going to be in bad shape but not destroyed so he could take it at normal hardening but his hardening will probably break. And it got shattered in the rapa fight. Not to mention his only weakness is someone who can out last his time to harden or can shatter him with easy while he’s hardened
do i hve to, like, dislike this?
Not really, you could just, Idk, ignore it maybe
I really love the art style lol it’s so cute
Fucking liar it ugly ass shit
The end tho they had ye look of”they knew,they just fucked up”
When they’re just a little too good at drawing feet: 🤨
Fr tho, it’s great!
It’s been like 3 yrs where is the part 3😁😄😃😀😊🙂😐😕🙁☹️😡😡😡😡
Why does this remind me of Scott Pilgram?
This made me so wet, fucking loved it keep up the good work 😉
I- this both weirdly wholesome and very sexy
As a scientist I must ask could kirishima take a direct blast from bakugo at normal hardness (since he definitely could at unbreakable)
Well actually yes he could as his power makes him harden to a substance as strong as metal I believe and bakugo has done full up blasts at close range and then miss causing it to hit buildings it the building is wood or brick or rock it would break but with metal it’s going to be in bad shape but not destroyed so he could take it at normal hardening but his hardening will probably break. And it got shattered in the rapa fight. Not to mention his only weakness is someone who can out last his time to harden or can shatter him with easy while he’s hardened
Wtf so gay, Allah forgive me. I’ll do Ramadan but 24/7 so I’ll die of dehydration to cleanse my sins.
GROPEFRUIT! ah yes bakugo, I fucking love what you said
Who ever likes mineta is just like him!
I love it. This is a good porn comics
I really liked this little ie it was wholesome
I came.. so much… I need more than just new sheets, I need an entirely new bed lol
just the you fucker from bakugo at the end is so funny
They knew it. We all saw the looks on their faces..
This is like my favorite mha porn comic
This was so good I was going to cum alittle
That was adorable