Porn Gallery : Stahl and Bread-kun (Colored) + Stahl and You
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Read Stahl and Bread-kun (Colored) + Stahl and You Free Sex Comic
Stahl and Bread-kun (Colored) + Stahl and You is written by Artist : daftpatriot.
Stahl and Bread-kun (Colored) + Stahl and You Porn Comic belongs to category
Read Stahl and Bread-kun (Colored) + Stahl and You Porn Comic in hd
Also see Porn Comics like Stahl and Bread-kun (Colored) + Stahl and You in tags Big Balls , Full Color , Furry Porn Comics and Furries Comics , Gay & Yaoi , Transformation , Vore , X-ray.
it started out great but every new page made me more concerned and now im just uncomfortable
Jesus guys you do realize this isn’t the worst type of “kink” a comic could have right?
OPEN THE SILO DOORS THEYRE COMING FOR US ITS ARE ONLY WAY OUT!!! OH MY GOD WER DOOMED! [insert the scientist getting blown up by a grenade]
I thought this was gonna be a good comic 😭
Bro had my hopes up man wtf
can somebody told me how to have a good fap?(without buying any objects)
Well good sir ya grab the Willy and ya get a porn addiction and then you’ll get your good ol fap!
Errr mate, are you ok?
Kill your self dude
bro what
I don’t like vore, but I really enjoy daftpatriot’s art
This is disturbing you should probably get mental help
I think that snakes eat by the other way
Nah you are crazy, man.
Anal vore is the best vore tbh
Most normal person in this comment section , i completely agree