This shows how fucked the furry community is (I’m a furry) because getting a rid of the side of a person aka the side of the brain that actually cares for one’s self preservation rather then getting off is not healthy and would lead to a very fast death due to sexual exposure and std transfers from partners
This shows how fucked the furry community is (I’m a furry) because getting a rid of the side of a person aka the side of the brain that actually cares for one’s self preservation rather then getting off is not healthy and would lead to a very fast death due to sexual exposure and std transfers from partners
So basically a furry is finally becoming aware of the weird shit they do lmaooo this is too funny for years people been telling you freaks hey what you’re into and doing is weird and only now you feel self conscious it’s too late now half your album of memories and pictures is a fur suit bum lol
Part 2 we need it
Freddy Fazbear
When will we get a part 2 im dying to know what happens.
Tanni’s words: I think we have a problem on our hands. Me: yeah no shit sherlanni
Imo Tammi is extremely hot
mucho sexo
Love it im still waiting for a second part great comic btw
This shows how fucked the furry community is (I’m a furry) because getting a rid of the side of a person aka the side of the brain that actually cares for one’s self preservation rather then getting off is not healthy and would lead to a very fast death due to sexual exposure and std transfers from partners
This shows how fucked the furry community is (I’m a furry) because getting a rid of the side of a person aka the side of the brain that actually cares for one’s self preservation rather then getting off is not healthy and would lead to a very fast death due to sexual exposure and std transfers from partners
So basically a furry is finally becoming aware of the weird shit they do lmaooo this is too funny for years people been telling you freaks hey what you’re into and doing is weird and only now you feel self conscious it’s too late now half your album of memories and pictures is a fur suit bum lol
The lite is very interesting
Wonderful art style and story; hope we get a pt. 2
gosh darnet i knew the artstyle and was hoping this was a continuation of the story but i guess we have to wait a bit longer before that happens
…this is madness
…And we need Combat…