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I used to tickle my pickle to angry birds. When I was about 13 years old, I LOVED angry birds, I had every toy they had in the store and every game, even seasons and HD, but then Terence showed up and turned me on, I COULDN’T STAND IT, I TOOK OUT MY LARGE PICKLE AND I STARTED STRANGLING IT, I’ve did it every day still to this day, and I’ve never got bored of this
One time I was trying to hit on my highschool bio teacher but it ended up with her not taking the hint and I ended up with a D but the teachers aid that was in the classroom also got the D so it worked out in the end
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I used to tickle my pickle to angry birds. When I was about 13 years old, I LOVED angry birds, I had every toy they had in the store and every game, even seasons and HD, but then Terence showed up and turned me on, I COULDN’T STAND IT, I TOOK OUT MY LARGE PICKLE AND I STARTED STRANGLING IT, I’ve did it every day still to this day, and I’ve never got bored of this
bruh learn some grammer
Rayman, is really ubisoft that badly treating you, that you have to review porn comics as a side job?
Wait.. it looks like he has a condom on..
see a doctor if ur cum looks like that
That’s a furry, so that’s not really weird, plus that’s a porn, nothing makes sense here, most of the time
One time I was trying to hit on my highschool bio teacher but it ended up with her not taking the hint and I ended up with a D but the teachers aid that was in the classroom also got the D so it worked out in the end
Nice story
Lol you wish
Can’t believe it’s been 2 years since I clowned on this guy