My ideas (headcannons?)for clover is she was also a starter but who’s egg was made at the daycare and shamrock after getting out found the egg of his at the lab and knew it was his or that he was(again) raped to make the egg and he kept it until a Prof took with promition
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Tales Of Shamrock is written by Artist : Matemi.
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Also see Porn Comics like Tales Of Shamrock in tags Forced , Furry Porn Comics and Furries Comics , Harem , Most Popular , Parody: Pokemon Porn Comics | Pokemon Hentai Comics.
Of poor dude gonna get a schedule in Violet and name it shamrock , and now thanks to this comic I know his moveset!
I like theses kind of sad stories
Damn shamrock you good?
😱 damn my man had it rough. 😭😭
So 😭
Shamrock is definitly one of the best charactors in this series. Bout time he gets his story explored a bit
It would be easier to find your father than who the fuck asked
Stupid cunt who the hell asked your dumb ass for anything
This side story to silver soul has to be my favourite out of any of the others
Dude what’s with the stupid trans people in all these comics ?
I’m not even going to finish the comic because of the trans
Wydm the trans people make the comics even better
Shut the fuck up you can just filter out the tags.
honestly theres only one or two trans in the entire comic lineup
actually im wrong there like 10 :/
Imagine getting triggered over porn having trans characters
My ideas (headcannons?)for clover is she was also a starter but who’s egg was made at the daycare and shamrock after getting out found the egg of his at the lab and knew it was his or that he was(again) raped to make the egg and he kept it until a Prof took with promition
Damn that’s sad
is that ken shamrock (wwe refrence)
nope. unless ken is a LEPRECHAUN!