People can find something enjoyable in fiction and horrible irl, it’s not that hard. Imagine if people got this upset about FPS games because you were shooting people to death.
Dude, chill. I get that for some people, certain things are extreme. But this art isn’t hurting anyone. And if you still act like this, are you sure that we’re the ones who desrve to burn in hell?
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Teamwork Issues is written by Artist : keffotin.
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Also see Porn Comics like Teamwork Issues in tags Dick Growth , Furry Porn Comics and Furries Comics , Futanari & Shemale & Dickgirl , Kemonomimi , Vore.
motherfucker got glorped. lmao
Bruh, I needed that for a challenge
Eh not my cup of tea but if you like it, go on
karkat wha
People can find something enjoyable in fiction and horrible irl, it’s not that hard.
Imagine if people got this upset about FPS games because you were shooting people to death.
Its tagged vore, just blacklist the tag. On a serious note I agree the images are slightly lower quality, but it’s overall cute, so positive!
You think vore is cute then go climb down a python’s throat
They were most likely referring to the art style or banter, dumbass. Don’t kink-shame people unless it’s over pedophilia or zoophilia.
*or necrophilia I guess. (Unless it involves hot zombie girls.)
Nuh uh I can kink shame whoever the fuck I want because fuck you
This, is the type of person to defend Jeffery Dahmer.
Just let natural selection take place. If people want to vore each other let them. Not gonna be you dying
These aren’t “kinks” they are mental illnesses
“Mental sickness”
*meet the sniper theme plays*
Mental Illinois? Never heard of it or do you mean specially gifted? (I am both and need professional help)
I’m more concerned about the low quality of the images ngl
Eh.. compared to all the other HORRUNDUS stuff on this website involving vore, this isn’t that bad LOL
I second that ^
I third this ^^
Accidentally clicked on this and I find it complete crap
Dude, chill. I get that for some people, certain things are extreme. But this art isn’t hurting anyone. And if you still act like this, are you sure that we’re the ones who desrve to burn in hell?
The people who like vore, are the people who get turned on like Jeffery Dahmer. Think about that, dumbass
I like vore and find why he did still just as disgusting as you do
Fr what stupid Nigga made thid
delete this
nigga wtf is this