How does this work like the spinal cord your digestinel trac your throat and what happens if he chokes and dies the amount of calories he taking can kill him then body mutation he die from trauma alone wtf is this why am I overthinking this this creates likes children FBI come get this guy
The average adult human can withstand up to 5.000 millirems of radiation before the body starts to suffer major temporary damage and minor permanent destruction of cells
What the fuck is this ðŸ˜
Children lover
How does this work like the spinal cord your digestinel trac your throat and what happens if he chokes and dies the amount of calories he taking can kill him then body mutation he die from trauma alone wtf is this why am I overthinking this this creates likes children FBI come get this guy
Did you know cum has calories meaning he be dead
The average adult human can withstand up to 5.000 millirems of radiation before the body starts to suffer major temporary damage and minor permanent destruction of cells
*cums* +50 rads
Go to the horny mental asylum horny jail is too goof for you
20-30 inch dicks is fucked up
In the words of the goddess herself, “my place,
My rules.”
He is already dead man why are you even continuing the hentai manga